I'm not a programmer at all, - page 9

By the way, the MT-4 has its own niche, it's only 3.5m long, compare it to yours, you have 60M,
compare with Amnibroker under 200M, compare with tradestation....

I don't see any advantage in the fact that the software weighs only 3.5 megabytes. I want to work with the program, not weigh it. I don't care if it's 3.5 gig. What matters is functionality and support by serious financial institutions. The latter is two orders of magnitude more important than the former.

I have always been astonished at the enthusiastic attitude towards Master Lefty, who hacked up a flea without a fine-toothed telescope. Fine work, I agree. But totally meaningless. For as a result the flea has stopped dancing, i.e. all that the master Lefty with comrades was capable of was to spoil a fine mechanism.

Similarly, I don't see any point in trying to shrink the terminal to 3M. If it works - good, if not - nothing wrong. Claims about complexity/ease of downloading are not accepted - if a person can not afford to pay for a normal Internet, it will only be humane to protect him from the dangers of financial markets, he is not ready yet.


What's so surprising about Levsha is that not only did he forge it with his companions,
but he signed his name on every single horseshoe nail.
(So this is a work from those times, when the protoludin had neither patronymic nor surname.)
And here Levsha hammered a nail, and on it on this nail his name boldly exalted,
and thus made fortune smile with his deed.

Now, if this flea of the aglitska didn't work,
General Platov didn't let Levsha's ingenious product be tested by human eyes.
General Platov brought in the Cossacks, blew the roof off foolishly,
he kicked the craftsmen out of the house, took away the flea,
and thus put an end to Levshov's R&D.
That's why General Tsarsky. Platov is his last name.

BTW, MT-4 has its own niche, it's only 3.5m long, compare with yours, you have 60M,
compare with Amnibroker under 200M, compare with tradestation....
The advantage of MT-4 is that it does not require the services of highly professional pogrammers in operation.

Do you mean the installation package? 3.5 MB.

It's honestly a small thing. For all intents and purposes.

But here is a question, how often we download and install?

Personally, I very rarely... I forget when for my needs.

(just to recognize IPs of other brokers, and even then, I unpacked it, copied *.srv and deleted it).

But the deployed terminal, here is much more interesting...

I'll start with the fact, that I've installed a new release of the mail rat.

I'm wondering what's so familiar about all this... and here's the thing!!!

thebat.exe 6.5 MB
thebat.lng 6.7 MB

It's normal, isn't it? The langue is bigger than the program itself...

Yes, but it's possible to kill unnecessary files from MT. Yes...

But it's a pain in the ass to do it every time you update.

It would be much more useful to use those 2,676,496 bytes of the 7,255,910 bytes of the whole MT langvic (B. 216)...

something really useful, like a statistical analysis program...


If komposter rejects the idea, only the very curious will respond.

It wasn't me (I didn't reject the idea). I replied to the letter, I did not receive a second one. xant either got scared or stopped trusting programmers. I wonder who received the first email?


The fact that such a meagre set of TFs is being used is just proof that I'm on the right track, and no one has gone there yet.

Well, that's too loud to say. Even among my orders there were several (more than one) related to analysis of non-standard TFs.

Who rejected the idea...To answer the question, it's worth reading the start post of the thread, it's clear why.
It doesn't really matter who.

There was a profession: I do not remember the English, but literally "knowledge fixers",
they're specialists in cybernetics who can communicate with a specialist in another profession,
like a medical doctor, or a broker.
The task of knowledge fixers is to formalise what has been passed down in the profession from age to age.
The subtlety is that a "shoemaker" cannot intelligibly explain how he sews,
A doctor cannot explain how he heals, and a trader cannot explain how he trades.
As soon as a trader tries to explain in public,
you get one book, two, three and so on until you run out.

So, the highlight of the knowledge fixer profession is not to read these books and not to listen to long explanations,
but to be able to ask those questions which will lead to the fixation of professional knowledge in the form of a product.

You are describing a so-called Bussiness Information Manager, a few years ago such a position was in high demand. However, it was too expensive to keep a highly educated and knowledgeable specialist in many areas because it is not possible to use his potential to 100% from the very beginning.

Just such a person serves as a "translator" between professionals in their field and IT. It's a very difficult task.


to Cronex

All of us who write software for trading are engaged in this very difficult task.
Some of us are transferring our personal knowledge to a computer, and some are using someone else's. But it is all the same, as you said,
Busness Infomstion Managment.

Mathematics in economics is highly efficient,
in particular the one line indicator formula, but the changes are global
(meaning that some of the indicators we see in Forex were originally applied,
not in trading, but in supply).
Accordingly, there is a flow of ideas, but what an enormous amount of energy (!) is needed to
to compress the author's idea to the size of an algorithm.
I.e. how much energy is spent to catch machine-implementable components from the verbal formulation.

Accordingly there is a flow of ideas, but what enormous energy (!) needs to be spent to
to compress an author's idea to the size of an algorithm.
I.e. how much energy is spent to catch machine-implementable components from the verbal formulation.

Here you go.... And now imagine that your opponent has a profound liberal education and is not scientifically trained to think structurally, unlike engineers :-)

In my line of work I am often forced to communicate with such content, sometimes they tell such pearls that one can hardly believe :-). Although all is within logic, some assumptions and reticences cause deep misunderstanding in determining the root problem. All the time I have to bring them back from solving secondary, "phantom" tasks to the mainstream.


to Cronex

It would be a good idea to 'Guest' the ordering process in relation to the MTS by stages of formalisation achieved.

1. the idea is stated in the reactions of known indicators.
2. the idea is based on a working prototype and does not exceed its possibilities.
3. the idea is stated mathematically in the form of a formula or equation.
4. The idea is formulated graphically.
5. The idea is a long story about a day's work.
6. The idea is that it would be nice if you could do it...
7. The idea is brilliant and therefore secret, You couldn't do it, and further responsible for the secret.

By engaging in a dialogue with the author, one does not define the boundaries of one's responsibility,
occasionally this translates into tutoring sessions for the same author's literacy.