I'm not a programmer at all, - page 7


... and the ginger one first, followed by the swissy one... That's how.... and the other dumb ones stood for almost an hour.

Yes, gold worked well as a leading indicator.

I'll also tell you a secret, triangles on gold on all TFs rule.


So, I was blown away by the first of the volunteers.

At the point of outlining the point. I mean, I didn't even have time to articulate exactly what needed to be done.

What a reaction!

Apparently, my level is way below the plinth.

Nevertheless. Any volunteers? I need to bluntly program what I need, anywhere, whether it's MT or Omega. Although I added Omega for the sake of red words, tried to install somehow, failed, my hands are crooked or Omega is a bourgeois bitch, and I may be a communist at heart.

I've already realised that's my karma.

Nevertheless willing to pay real money, although I'm sure it won't help. Anyone who's read "The Altist Danilov" will understand. No matter how hard you try, you won't get any results. You have to go to the lair. I just wish I knew where the lair is.

So, volunteers! I'll give you a little incentive. Whoever writes the advisor wins the championship. And if he doesn't win, I'll give him a case of 5-year-old Sarajishvili. They don't sell it in Moscow, so I'll go to Ukraine on purpose.

Yuri, knock on my email. I'll be interested in your new thoughts, and you'll probably get one without Sarajishvili's box... :)

Intrigued the forum and no one is distracted... strange.

justMAX писал (а): You have intrigued the forum and no one is distracted... strange.

If komposter rejects the idea, only the very curious will respond.

Kantorovich received the 1975 Nobel Prize in economics for linear programming methods, while he himself was a pure mathematician.

If he received the Nobel Prize in economics, does that mean he contributed to economics? What does that have to do with mathematics? Yes, he used a mathematical apparatus. But in this case he was honoured as an economist.

Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich(January 19, 1912 in Saint Petersburg - April 7, 1986 in Moscow)(Russian: Leonid Vitalievich Kantorovich) was a Soviet/Russian mathematician and economist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Kantorovich

Korey 18.04.2008 19:05
Landau was a mathematician too, however ....

On God's sake, Lev Landau is a pure physicist. Although for sure he knew mathematics too, i.e. according to such logic it is possible to include him in mathematicians too. Maybe you mean the German Landau, who is really a mathematician, but he did not receive a Nobel Prize.

And after all Gorbachev studied at school, probably knows the multiplication table, so he too can be considered a mathematician who received the Nobel Prize.


Incidentally, Arrow is an American economist, not a mathematician, and received the Nobel Prize for contributions to economics; it is as an economist he is being honored.

Kenneth Joseph "Ken" Arrow (born August 23, 1921) is an American economist, joint winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics with John Hicks in 1972, and the youngest person ever to receive this award, at 51. He is considered one of the founders of modern (post World War II) neo-classical economics.



Yes, of course, they don't award for a profession, but for a contribution to a particular field. Einstein was not technically a scientist (http://inform-referats.narod.ru/59196.htm) when he published the papers for which he received the Nobel Prize:

Летом 1900 г. Эйнштейн сдал экзамены на получение диплома преподавателя физики. Оценки были не слишком высокими, так что ему не удалось получить место ассистента и вместе с ним — возможность заниматься столь заманчивой для него научной работой. Только через два года по рекомендации друзей он получил постоянную работу экспертом федерального патентного бюро в Берне. Эйнштейн проработал там с 1902 по 1909 г. [...]
Наиболее удачным оказался для Эйнштейна 1905 год. В течение него 26- летний физик опубликовал в журнале пять статей, которые представляли собой подлинные шедевры научной мысли. Работа «Об одной эвристической точке зрения на возникновение и превращение света» содержала смелую гипотезу о световых квантах — элементарных частицах электромагнитного излучения, летящих в мировом пространстве наподобие пуль.


Yes, of course, they don't award for a profession, but for a contribution to a particular field. Einstein was not technically a scientist (http://inform-referats.narod.ru/59196.htm) when he published the papers for which he received the Nobel Prize:

Scientist-unscientist is not formalisable. What is important is that by contributing to physics he was acting as a physicist. Einstein didn't know maths? I think he did. Why not call him a Nobel laureate mathematician, too. But no, he is known as a physicist.

Kantorovich was a mathematician too, but he received the prize as an economist, i.e. it was not the mathematician Kantorovich that was awarded, but the economist Kantorovich.



Landau was a mathematician, however...which surprises me, no one but physicists know that. And neither does timbo.


///Yuri, knock on my email. I will be interested in new thoughts, and most likely you will get an advisor without Sarajishvili's box as well... :)

You have intrigued the forum and no one is distracted... strange.

I am surprised myself. Just in case I called Putin, he listened to me attentively and said he shares my concerns. He asked me if there was anything he could do for me. I asked him to lift the trade embargo on Georgia, because I did not want to go to Ukraine for cognac. It is nothing, Putin told me and immediately gave appropriate orders.

Let the Georgians know whom to thank!


...grit my teeth and immediately the eelctrolytic capacitors exploded behind the wall)))
...industrious ____ had fixed the Yamaha.... by 3am)))

my advice would be to contact:
a) to those who post in your thread, link in profile.
b) komposter kimV vin .....
d) Also, go to COdeBase. Everyone who posts there. The "Scriptor" nickname you can skip, of the others You will definitely get an answer.

P.S. The zalitovannye chapter from A.D. was publique in zh. Rural Youth from 1987(?).