International championships - page 15


What about observing? I'd invite everyone here:

I'm not sure how happy Leo would be)


What about observing? I'd invite everyone here:

I'm not sure how happy the Lion will be)

Maybe he won't be happy. To address all sorts of questions about the effectiveness of EAs, or manual trading techniques, it would be good to have similar

monitoring capabilities. In my opinion, it is quite easy for moderators to organise this - something like the Championship monitoring capabilities.


That's 40 minutes to go!

Good luck at the finish line, everyone!

And delyus , thank you for being the reason for creating such a championship!

You must be looking for the prize money to give to the winner!

I have an EA that will only start working at the end of the day. Futures as it is :))

and delyus ... disappeared,

I guess he took Figar0's threat to "kill Delyus" seriously :)

I have an EA that will only start working at the end of the day. Futures as it is :)
Me too in the evening and in the morning :)

Fucking assholes)))) Here's a demo for 1,000 cents. Will only work from 9 to 10 msk when I get to work, and should be 12 hours from 22 to 10. I have a proxy server at work which the dir turns on by himself in the morning. Hopefully after May 1 we can persuade him to leave it on around the clock as it should be done usually.


: 183156904
Investor : mk7kykh (read only password)


Are you stupid or what? Have you read the rules?



I will have it like this, of course it won't fall under the rules, because it's impossible to provide normal work anyway. but it's still better than nothing.

OK. Let's make an exception :)