Beginner's guide - page 2


I went to the shop the other night... this guy comes up, and he says...

- Buy me a packet of cigarettes,

- oh_Oh.

- What, you can't afford 15 rubles?

Not some prima for 3.80, or something for 8.50, but no - give him cigarettes for 15 and nothing else. ... he must have been thinking afterwards, too.... what bad people are around...

Crack, your requests have nothing to do with anything but your laziness. You have to draw four lines once a day. And making faces like "but alas" because of it.

Once I had a chance to consult on a forum of c++ programmers. The administrator answered me with interjections - er, yeah, hm. But for some reason I'm grateful to them.


1. What I completely agree with are the mistakes, and especially in the titles of the topics.

The only good thing about these mistakes: you can see the young sprout

- catenary, indecatar, forex, etc... ;)))

However, even a tap on the hand is not the solution, you must give a chance to fix (themselves).

It seems that the "edit" button has not been abolished yet...

And then on the results and reactions. Can be prescribed in the rules.

And more importantly...

This forum if I am not mistaken is a forum support product.

And do fi to questions (especially beginners) is somehow not comical...

Reaction of pros to questions is a bit unclear...

The vast majority of topics and questions is an appeal to all and no one in particular.

Another thing when someone writes demand: NICK, this, knock me a grail.

It is clear, emotions from the calmness of the inhabitants of the far north to the African passions :)))

4. At first I wanted to propose the creation of a domain like:

But as Renat says: it is a one-way street.

It is easier to introduce "titles" like Services. Expensive or C-10$, I-5$

(in a profile under number of messages).

Then both newbies and new nicknames will be at once visible who, where, why... ;)

5. The topics of 'getting your house in order' are always controversial and complex.


As my first shop steward used to say: "Bad work, God help you!"


A pessimist is a well-informed optimist. ©

Grack писал (а):
Sometimes it's easy to be offended by words like, 'pay me and I'll do you', without knowing a person's situation.
Uh-oh... let's talk about resentment! What is resentment? Is it an unconscious emotional reaction of a child or a conscious choice of an adult? It is up to each person to choose what to accept and what not to accept. To be offended or not to be offended. If someone takes a grudge internally, it is their personal choice and they are responsible for it.
Grack писал (а):
As literacy, that's one I wouldn't go to; we all make mistakes when we type fast or when we type distractedly...

is that really a typo?


So much noise out of nothing.... They have written instructions for newcomers, rules of conduct... Don't go there, don't do that, and this will give you a headache...

What are you guys doing?

"see the bottom line," as they say. .... Let's look at the root...

The task of the forum popularization of auto trading on MT4 platform, ie attracting as many people as possible in our ranks of traders ...

More people - more questions... Questions repeat themselves and this is normal....

Newbies - they are like children, they asked a question, got an answer, after a while they ask the same question again... No big deal... We're all learning... We want to know more.

If you cannot keep silent and believe that the answer to a question has value, offer the services of a programmer to help you solve the problem...


Grack wrote: ...come on...

Is that a misprint?

Of course it is, Igor, there's no doubt about it: the letters "E" and "E" are right next to each other on the keyboard. Why are you being so picky?


Why are you being so picky?

Prickly is wrong. Prickly is right!



3. You've only registered today, others have been here for years and the growing stream of requests, questions and demands is reaching its limit... And often the author doesn't even bother to check what he's written. He thinks that it is not his concern to express his point clearly.

reading to make sense of what the person in question wanted.

4. No one is picking on typos, but a flurry of mistakes (2-3 mistakes in a word in the title of the topic) indicates a basic lack of respect for the audience to whom you are addressing. This is not a forum for teenagers. PS By the way,sometimes because of a mass of mistakes you cannot even understand the meaning.

I agree with you completely. Lately I've noticed a rise in the number of threads whose posts start out with an incomprehensible set of characters that are referred to by the topic-starters as a request, etc. etc.

You read the post five times, trying to understand what you really need to help the person but you still do not understand.

"Do you do me that I don't know how? I don't know how."

Sometimes you want to send the petitioner to school for a native-speaking lesson... or whatever.

They do not know how to use their own language, but they want a programming language.


2. and more importantly...

This forum, if I'm not mistaken, is a product support forum

And making fi to questions (especially for beginners) is kind of uncomfortable...

mql4 is a programming language

Which product to support, who to support?!

To fi questions (especially for beginners) is not very nice...

I agree, when these very beginners will be able to ask a question that can be understood .