Beginner's guide


Due to the increasing avalanche of questions, requests and demands from users with little programming knowledge, it is necessary to designate interaction kennels. For the benefit of both the askers (they will have a better chance of getting what they want) and the askers (there will be fewer empty threads, among which useful ones get lost). So, if you believe that you have a gracious TC that remains "only" to be programmed, imho it is totally illogical to ask and begrudge someone to do it "for an idea" that is usually not even posted publicly. There are enough very competent professionals on this forum who can do it quickly, accurately and for a reasonable fee. The "no money" or "my idea is N*1000 times the fee" argument is just naive. $30-$100 won't make a pauper a grail owner, and your idea is 99% priceless only to you.

If you still believe that you should implement your idea "for the idea", the chances for a positive outcome will be much higher if you provide your investor name to confirm the words, where the online testing was carried out. Preferably with a number of transactions from 100-300 and a period of a month or three or more. In this case, there is a very high probability that even an experienced programmer will take on the work for free.

When you apply "to the experts" without being yourself savvy in this area, it is very unwise to estimate the amount of work in terms of time: "It will only take you 5 minutes..." Even if it is true, the expert has spent several years studying and working to be able to solve the problem in 5 minutes. And now it is time for the acquired knowledge to work for him.

Often even the formulation of a problem is not easy to understand. Here is the latest example.

When making a request/question:

  • First try to find the answer to the question yourself: use forum search, internet search tools google, yandex, rambler ... Practice shows that most questions have long been answered,
  • Read the MQL-documentation, the tutorial, press F1 in the terminal,
  • Make practical experiments,
  • Try to formulate your question or request accurately and correctly. Read your topic, question, request through the eyes of the implementer. Competent formulation of the problem/question = half of its solution,
  • Respect the qualifications, experience, knowledge, and labor of the one whose answer you expect.

It is highly undesirable:

  • Post grails, questions or requests in several threads at once. This is spam and treated accordingly,
  • Get offended that your question was left without attention - this is likely your own fault,
  • Address in the style of "I need to ...", with grammatical errors as in the title of the topic, and in messages - this causes a negative attitude to both the author of the topic and his request.
Added to my favourites, thank you.



Have you tried taking it easy? Just don't react, don't read every thread, you're getting yourself all worked up.


Have you tried taking it easy? Just don't react, don't read every thread, you're getting yourself all worked up.

As long as you're here to take something (and one thing at that), you don't need it.
And when you're here to give (and, as a consequence, get much more), without that - nowhere.



By the way, I just registered here today to ask for expert help, I don't think my request is overly puzzling. I certainly don't mean anything against your criticism, but a wise person would help, and he would even be pleased to receive a verbal thank you, thereby enhancing the reputation of his self, rather than expecting gratitude as a monetary payment. Yes, I agree that in this day and age, hard work costs money, but to be honest, for me even $30 is not small money. Sometimes with words like, "pay me and I'll do it for you" without knowing a person's situation, you can easily offend them.

As for literacy, this is one I wouldn't pick on, we all make mistakes when typing fast or typing distractedly...

I need these 4 vertical lines to remind 4 sessions, I just draw them manually, I want the script to do it, no matter how many indicators I modify, I can't. I gave an example in my topic, but the problem is that the lines in the script remain on the history and appear when the chart approaches the set time. And I would like them to always hang in the termenal, and make me a reminder...

Thank you very much for your support!


The point of this thread will not be a fraction of what it is. A newcomer to the fact and a beginner, that does not know a damn thing, and he will not read this post, either (after 3 days of it will be forgotten) and delve into the features and the specifics of the forum, and will not. This will come with time, if he stays on this forum. So I took this topic as a "cry from the soul" or something .... You've had your say? Good! Tomorrow will be a new day, new questions, new grails, you'll see. Although, of course, personally I completely agree with your post, especially that we must all respect and appreciate the time of others.



By the way, I just registered here today to ask for expert help, I don't think my request is overblown. I certainly don't mean anything against your criticism, but a wise person would help, and he would even be pleased to receive a verbal thank you, thereby enhancing the reputation of his self, rather than expecting gratitude as a monetary payment. Yes, I agree that in this day and age, hard work costs money, but to be honest, for me even $30 is not small money. Sometimes with words like, "pay me and I'll do it for you" without knowing a person's situation, you can easily offend them.

As for literacy, this is one I wouldn't pick on, we all make mistakes when typing fast or typing distractedly...

I need these 4 vertical lines to remind 4 sessions, I just draw them manually, I want the script to do it, no matter how many indicators I modify, I can't. I gave an example in my topic, but the problem is that the lines in the script remain on the history and appear when the chart approaches the set time. And I would like them to always hang in the termenal, and make me a reminder...

Thanks so much for the support!


1. This is not a criticism, but a request to observe the elementary rules.

2. Read your post carefully with "other people's eyes" - can you understand what it's about?

3. You have only registered today, others have been living here for years and the growing stream of requests, questions, demands has already reached its limit ... And often the author doesn't even bother to check what he has written. He thinks that it's not his concern to express his point clearly.

of the reader to understand what the author wanted.

4. To lapses no one pick on, but a flurry of errors (2-3 errors in a word in the title of the topic) shows a basic lack of respect for the audience you are addressing. This is not a forum for teenagers. PS By the way, sometimes because of the mass of mistakes and do not understand the meaning.

5. No one ever insists on paying and in most cases questions are readily answered. But when a "grailer" appears and asks to send him by e-mail a resume of candidates who want to write an Expert Advisor for his TS for free on the contest basis, it is too much, I believe. And there are those who believe that the programmer still owes them "for the idea".

6. Who orders/requests to write an indicator/advisor, and for what purpose? The trader wants to make a profit. In this case, the question is: why should he, for whom $30 is a lot of money, enter the financial markets? Do you really go to the real market with $10 and earn your living?

7. It often happens that the author is blinded by the genius of his idea, in most cases, he hides it, but even if he uncovers it and receives criticism, he does not accept it. Moreover, he is indignant why nobody is willing to write an advisor for him. Why would an experienced EA writer do this if it is long since passed? Maybe someone will do it for a fee.



I've already done it, I've deleted unnecessary stuff from another one, but it works.

I've already pasted what I needed, deleted unnecessary things from the other tool, it's not pedantic, but it works... I thought they'd help, but alas...

I am playing a demo version, and I will only start with $100... Why should I invest more, if the result should be displayed in pips!

Thank you!


Sometimes it is easy to be offended by such words as "pay and I will do it for you", without knowing the situation of the person.

And saying "please do it, I really need it" can be annoying...

Grack, when a person really wants, tries, searches, tries, but still cannot achieve the desired result, they get help.

And when he comes and says "I need", "for a pro - it's 5 min. work," "there's a super-idea, I need a free programmer," etc., you want to send him away. Especially when it's the 10th in a day.

I do not remember a single case where a specific and correct question was ignored. And I'm on this forum for a long time, believe me.

It just pisses me off when a person without making an ounce of effort asks for "help". Help is when you do something yourself, but at a certain point you reach a deadlock and can not get around it. When you've re-read the documentation, searched the whole Internet for answers, tried again in a different way, but it still doesn't work. Then come to the forum and ask for help:

There is such and such a problem...
I do so and so (code and launch conditions).
I got this.
I intended to get this.
I tried it this way and that way (2 times) - the result is the same.
Search on the forum via keywords "so-and-so" didn't yield the desired result.
Any advice on where to dig or send me a link to a similar issue.
Thank you.

Grack, find one such thread where there is no answer to the question posed. You won't find one, because there aren't any.

Here's another option:


I downloaded the terminal, it's cool!
i need an expert (or script, i do not know) to put orders back and forth.
I will help you guys, help me out, I really need it.

What is the answer to such a post?

At first you helped.
Then we flubbed and had a good-natured laugh.
Now (personally) I try not to notice.

Why is that? Is he a bad man? No, he is not.
He just has no respect for other people's time. He doesn't lift a finger to get to the bottom of it.
"For a pro, it's five minutes!" Yeah, it's not even 5, it's 2. Only it's the pro's time, not his.


As for literacy, here's one I wouldn't pick on, we all make mistakes when we type fast or type distractedly...

Illiteracy, as far as I'm concerned, is disrespectful to the interlocutor.
It's one thing to have a typo (which, by the way, can also be corrected by editing the post), and quite another to have text similar to my 2nd example of "asking for help".
If you respect "locals", spend an extra 2 minutes checking and framing your post. By doing so, you will save 2 minutes for each reader. And you will be a pleasure to talk to.

Look at Mathemat's posts, they, in my opinion, can be considered an example to follow: only on topic, in the necessary volume, neatly formatted, with accents placed. Despite the "Albanian" he often uses, his posts are pleasant to read.


Well, yes, a cry of the soul. "Choke him! Choke him!!!" =)
While I was composing, everything was discussed...