Wishes for holders of the Forum "Let's create a serious forum for serious people" - page 2

+1! How do you draw the attention of those whose attention needs to be drawn?
They all see, don't worry.
It even got a little creepy... It's like the all-seeing eye .... :-)
The idea to separate the flies from the cutlets is quite sensible, but some sections like Market On Line (what is "going on" in the market), Psychology do not fit in with the concept of the MTS developers forum.
Never mind that they don't fit in. The most important thing is to have them in a separate sub-forum. Of course, it's annoying that everything is in one heap for lamers and nerds, and for developers and flunkies. We need to separate the flies from the cutlets and forums structured in separate subsections.
Reshetov? Go write an advisor... :)
Reshetov писал (а): We need to separate the flies from the cutlets
I wonder who will carry out this separation and according to what criteria?
The FXO forum, the oldest trader's forum in Runet and highly respected (so many brilliant people were there), was kept in a "conservative" state of unstructured for a long time, but has moved on to structure too. I think the same fate awaits our forum. It is simply a problem of growth and a challenge of time. The forum is about 2.5 years old, still young, but already quite mature. And the main focus can still be preserved by changing to a structured forum. The main thing is a sufficient number of moderators who are tough but not overly principled.
The idea of separating the flies from the cutlets makes sense, but some sections like Market On Line (what's "going on" in the market), Psychology do not fit with the concept of the MTS developers' forum.
I don't insist on a specific list. Just as a suggestion. But questions of such subjects still arise from visitors and participants. So that they do not interfere with other topics, it is desirable to put them in separate thematic sections.
FXO forum, the oldest traders forum in Runet and very respected (there were many brilliant people there), for a long time it was held in a "conservative" state of unstructuring, but it too has moved to a structure. I think the same fate awaits our forum. It is simply a problem of growth and a challenge of time. The forum is about 2.5 years old, still young, but already quite mature. And the main thrust can still be maintained by switching to a structured forum.

Sometimes you just can't find what you need. It's easier to "roll" an issue onto a general list, even though it may have been discussed 100 times before.

(how many brilliant people were there) maybe that's why it hasn't started, because there's no strength left to dig in?

The main thing is to have a sufficient number of moderators, moderately tough.

You can also be tougher.

Reshetov wrote: We need to separate the flies from the cutlets
I wonder who will carry out this separation? and according to what criteria?
It is unlikely that someone will separate the existing base. Possible archive (until such a date). New categories need to be created, and new topics and posts will be separated. If it will be possible to move the authors themselves, those who are interested in this can do it. And in general, it would be a good rule of thumb to use the tool - put it in the right place.
Usually "young" forum visitors don't bother to search and bluntly post questions that have already been posted and "answered" many times. I think that will be the case with the division of topics. It's easier for such people to ask some nonsense without thinking if it's on topic or not.

Alas, such people are far from being a handful....


I suggest that you consider creating an FAQ section. If there is one, it can be used to refer anyone who is interested. To develop it, the moderator should from time to time enter a new question in the database and fix a link to the topic, in which the question is considered, as the answer. And as life goes on adding links.

In about a year, the section will accumulate enough material that no new old topic has developed. The user will only ask: "How do you compare integers to real ones?" and he gets a chorus of "FAQ! FAQ! FAQ!". And the wolves will not be nervous and the sheep will be fed up:).

If the forum will be with sections, the moderator should transfer such new old topics at once in section FAQ.

In a good idea, there should be 3 sections: MQL programming, Troll strategies and FAQ.

SK. писал (а):

I suggest you think about creating a FAQ section. If there is one, it could be a place to send anyone who is interested.

What's the use? There is a textbook, but no one looks at it. Those with experience no longer need a textbook. Those with no experience don't need a textbook. There's search, but most people don't use it either. They go straight to the forum. If the forum will be structured, then at least moderators will be able to forward the topic to the right place, which is likely to have an answer to a given question in the neighboring topic.

Otherwise, it turns out that one lamer has already been answered, the next day the second lamer asks the same. As a result, the first page of the forum is always full of nonsense.