Wishes for holders of the Forum "Let's create a serious forum for serious people" - page 8

You can do less. If there's no financial ability to pay for a full-time or "people" moderator (as the meta-quotes mentioned), stop clogging up the base and just give a link to the source site.

There is no need to do less, it is a loser from a marketing point of view. Compare the two advertising slogans:

"We have over -twenty thousand councillors in our database. Access the base directly from the editor!"


"We have a link to someone else's server with EAs!" And that server could stop working, be down for a week, then where to look for what?

Everything in life is relative, you think it's "clogging", and someone calls it "filling". The beauty of it is that you have the ability to ignore advisers without comment. Or you can start writing comments yourself. And if you seriously believe that comments from someone who knows nothing about the ideas in this code need someone, then put your money where your mouth is - make your own independent server and stuff it, not litter it, you might get rich immeasurably.

Anything is possible, but not everything is financially justifiable, and MQ don't seem to me, for some reason, to be a charitable organisation.


If you make a structured website, .... would be boring.
That is, newcomers will not have to post, only read what they have already read.

My personal experience tells me that there are far more writers than readers among "newcomers". And as any resource grows in popularity, the "quality" of the contingent steadily declines, i.e. there are fewer and fewer readers and only writers remain.


to timbo

1. Newcomers come in waves.
2. Gurus write in waves.
3. When gurus fall asleep they are pushed by a wave of newbies)))
4. If you look at the DC forums, it is sour there, there is no one there who can answer/send expertly, there is no excitement.

There is a sense in it and this sense does not correspond to our wishes to structure the site.

And if you seriously believe that the comments of someone who knows nothing about the ideas in the code are of any use to anyone.

Thecode is analysed and the ideas become clear.


The code is analysed and ideas become clear.

How long will it take to analyse one EA/expert in this way?

What is the hourly rate for someone capable of analysing someone else's code?

Who will pay and what will be the payer's profit?

I've made the suggestion more than once that MQ should remit money to those who have downloaded their terminal. At least a couple of grand for the deposit. I don't know why this idea was not supported on the forum. But the forum is full of supporters that analyze other people's code in search of ideas that probably were not there at all. Why is this so? Because both ideas are equally good and also equally idiotic.

timbo: ..Why is that? Because both ideas are equally benign and also equally idiotic.

I'm fascinated! I recall London's Martin Eden having something similar: "And then Bernard Shaw came forward and buried the problem under an avalanche of his wit."

Timbo, you're the jewel of the forum!

If you're not interested in codes without comments, then skip them and you'll have a virtual base split. But what if you miss the grail?

If you shovel all the incoming codes indiscriminately, what is the point of this work? Looking for a grail in a pile of ...? ?

It's about searching. And how do you find what you need without comments? No comments - no structure, no structure - no search, no search - the resource is useless, and who needs a useless resource?
And the administration says: "We have a great search...." / no comments :-)

I would also like to assign points or points to the topic, i.e. to rate it and thus create a ranking
Xadviser писал (а) >>

I would like to make a suggestion to collect in this thread useful suggestions on how to improve the forum in the view of visitors and participants.

Under the slogan: "A serious forum for serious people" (you may suggest other slogans :-))

Such a forum, though it would be more correct to call it a community of traders - is already in the process of creation, a lot of new sultanas are envisaged. When it will be ready I will give you the link.

Skymer писал (а) >>

Such a forum, although it would be more correct to call it a community of traders, is already in the process of being created, a lot of new sultanas are envisaged. When it is ready, I will give you the link.

"We will destroy the world of violence to its foundations, and then we will build a new world - who was nothing will become everything."

In reality nothing usually happens afterwards. People get so tired in the process of destruction that there is no energy left to build. Those who were nothing will remain nothing unless they work on themselves. You have to change yourself, not look for forums with lower spreads.