Wishes for holders of the Forum "Let's create a serious forum for serious people" - page 7

timbo wrote (a): You're not interested in codes without comments, so skip them...

You're defending the status quo in Code Base, which is very vulnerable.

1. Scriptor is downloading codes from another site where they are stored in a big pile. Now this pile, without any changes or comments, is gradually moved to the Code Base. In this form it is called: "Bad work, God help you!". Give me a link to the source site and the annual plan is done.

2. Scriptor writes: "I've written many times that this is part of my job. And all the indicators, expert advisors, etc. is a turnover. But in fact, I do much more important work for this site.

This is about who should write these comments. If the codes are posted by site staff, as the quote suggests,

then it's part of his job.

If it's "self-posting", it's easier to limit yourself to a link, it's more honest, rather than imitating business activity and inflating volumes.

Eh! Let them hire me as a people's moderator - I'll clean up the codebase.


You are defending the status quo in the Code Base and it is very vulnerable.


This is to who should be writing these comments. If the codes are posted by an employee of the site, as the quote would suggest,

it is part of his job.

I am not defending, I am just looking at things realistically.

To put forward wonderful proposals that are not possible to implement is pure populism. Let there always be good weather, let the income level of the entire population grow at an accelerated rate, let every Soviet family live in a separate flat, let GDP double in five years, let every Russian family live in their own cottage ... Turn on the TV, there is a lot of this shit there, why should we breed it here too?

What comments can someone who hasn't written the indicator/advisor in question make? The maximum he can do is to check if it compiles without errors and make a screenshot of what will appear on the screen or when testing on the history. That's how Scriptologue does it. It's impossible to do more than that.


to timbo

"let every family live in a separate apartment/cottage" of course will not come true,
as it refers to the kindest of well-wishes.

How about this: (an example taken from German history)

Let's give/forcing each family to use the sewerage and plumbing,
forbid to go to the dacha toilet like troglodytes(((.
Or make waves in general:

"women freeze their eggs in uncomfortable toilets...there are so many ____ million of us left, save the nation!

so here - about flats/cottages not a word - not a half a word - but we will have to build them, and even for every family, and not longer than in five years.
Now.... to wish for such an anti-wish, MQ with the same effect as in the German story.

....Better can't be done.

Anything is possible!


..What comments can someone who did not write this indicator/advisor give? The maximum he can do is to check if it compiles without errors and make a screenshot of what will appear on the screen or when testing on the history. That's how Scriptologue does it. You can't do more than that...

You can do less. If there is no financial ability to pay for a full-time or "people" moderator (as the meta-quotes mentioned), stop clogging up the base and just provide a link to the source site.
Korey писал (а): Now let's see...

You're quite the nihilist, aren't you? It's a shortcut to the end of the world. I think it's simpler than that, Code Base is an ancillary part of the project, not a profitable one, hence the attitude.

There is no place in this unique MT-4 marketing for the convenient distribution of free novelty.
I.e. why should MQ create competition for its counterparties.

Somehow you have made things up - some of the facts are mixed up with your speculation.


to Rosh

I do NOT agree with you about the spin, all you have to do is go on the internet to prove it,
But I will remove the post, voluntarily, as I have exceeded the acceptable level of criticism.


So here - not a word about flats/cottages - but you have to build them, and for every family, and in no longer than five years.
Now.... to wish for such an anti-wish, MQ with the same effect as in the German story.

"What's good for the German is good for the Russian is death," is a corollary of the well-known saying.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - another folk wisdom.


to timbo

Yeah, here's another from our story: "if you make soldiers a good barracks, they will refuse to go on attack".
If you make a structured site, .... will be boring.
I.e. Newcomers will not have to post, only read what they have already read.