Wishes for holders of the Forum "Let's create a serious forum for serious people" - page 4


In fact, sometimes there are very interesting topics that are not directly related to mql4 and auto-trading. Don't remove them, they are the reason the forum is interesting in many ways.

+1 opinion


Teapots is certainly good, all in one place: go to the "eat soft French buns and drink tea" forum,
all 32 letters here, communicate from A to Z conveniently.

However, on the Inet, the site is positioned as a "programmers' site/forum".
But what's a trader to do?
So Renat turned to the society "Help other traders"
Well put out....
However, this other trader looks at everything with an unaided eye.
- "Where is the finished product?" this other asks himself.
(Just recently one of them has called us a site full of rubbish, i.e. people are not serious)))
And all because the forum & its site structure is overdue.
Let's not T-site, which can not (yuck!) Bo tax, but at least the blogs.
And also not blogs, but part of the branching structure can be given to public moderators.

Weeding the forum.
Grouping of branches by subjects, with sorting by time of opening is introduced.
A public moderator moves a branch to a group,
leaves a name without posts in the old place, and a sign below the name: "branch moved to address".

Alternatively, the public moderator keeps a subject index of branches, i.e. one branch will have a set of subject entries,
(then there is no need to plough anything in terms of software).


Very much needed links to posts! (to his (the post) of any, but better - a unique number).

Otherwise it's very common: "see branch so-and-so, page so-and-so, fifth post from the top". Very uncomfortable!

At least it does not contradict the strategy of the forum, but will greatly facilitate the search for the desired information


With the unaided eye, that's great:)

In general, the role of the individual in history has not yet been abolished; the measure of societal influence is low, as it always has been. All of our creations are, first of all, close to us, they are part of us, it is normal. And they possess, in part, our own characteristics.

And our wishes ...:) It's as if we were asked to change. It's not easy.

SK. писал (а):

With the unaided eye, that's great:)

In general, the role of the individual in history has not yet been abolished; the measure of societal influence is low, as it always has been. All of our creations are, first of all, close to us, they are part of us, it is normal. And they possess, in part, our own characteristics.

And our wishes ...:) It's as if we were asked to change. It's not easy.

We are not demanding, we are begging: "Have mercy on us benefactors, divide the forum into categories, so that your cause does not remain in debt, and you will be remembered with a kind word by all forumers." Amen....


It would be nice to be able to moderate your own threads. So that you can throw out the trash that is not relevant to the subject. For example, look here, in the announcement thread says why it's created

Эта тема создана для продолжения обсуждения статьи Диагностика рынка по пульсу.

and in the latest posts people are already just talking to each other on distracted topics, saying hello to each other...

- By the way, Prival - what is the "military-industrial complex" working on now, I mean what are you doing? If secretly, of course not!!! :о)

- I think I'm doing the same thing.

Here's what I was able to achieve, there is no delay.

And then comes a screen that has no relation to the subject... :(

It seems that people just do not understand the rules of conduct - they want to communicate - it does not matter where, as long as it's about their own

Firstly - good to see my old, good opponent. For me it is always a pleasure, a great joy and an honor!

and to me (in this thread) it's obnoxious boorishness.

Well... we've somehow made up and dealt with the "fuck-ups"

Don't be angry at me if I've got it wrong, if I haven't thought it through or whatever... In fact, I'm kind, not evil, as some people here imply :o) I look forward to your next articles :o)

and that's fine,

But the rubbish remains - and it doesn't contribute to popularization of MQL and automated trading, which is the task that forum creators set for themselves ;)

To ForexTools

I'm going to cry from the blatant injustice done to you! :о) This is your first post in that thread, specifically for you I have highlighted your own phrase, which reflects the meaning of the topic:

Эта тема создана для продолжения обсуждения статьи Диагностика рынка по пульсу. К сожалению в комментариях статье нельзя вкладывать файлы, а обмениваться результатами как то нужно. Это можно делать здесь - обмениваться готовыми xls и исходными csv файлами, скринами графиков, кодами индикаторов и экспертов, готовящих исходные данные и т.п.

In order not to lose the thread of discussion, in the comments to the article, you can provide a link to the relevant post on this topic with a brief explanation of what is posted in that post.

It has been discussed and questions have been asked. It's time to fight again, you obviously have not understood thatit is not fair to your colleagues to write a completely useless article that is 95% flooded. You don't want to discuss the article or exchange files, that's your right.

Besides, what's there to complain about? You almost immediately created a separate thread and mind you, no one got involved, neither me, nor Prival, who stood up for you.

..there's rubbish left over...

There really is trash and it's going to be a nuisance for a long time to come.

In 20,000 years, mammoth bones are no longer rubbish

And the rubbish does remain and will be a nuisance for a long time to come.

And here he's already gone... :(

grasn may ask again - "don't you have anything else to do?"

I have a problem - I'm solving it... your posts do not contribute to its solution, so I'm not answering you (forgive me for being so-so).

And I'm not looking for justice - I just want to know how to work here on the forum. I don't need what I got in the discussion (particularly from your posts). I'm just looking for a way to get the result I want (not what you think is right).

I'll say it again: you can do better than me - just go ahead and do it! It will be a better proof of your rightness than a hundred theorizations about your "criticism is useful" : )

Any other argument for me (as hopefully for others as well) would still be:

... I'm just looking for a way to get the result I want (the one you think is right)....


And the trash really remained and will long to bother the eyes.

And here it's already gone... :(

grasn may I ask again - "don't you have anything else to do?"

I have a problem - I'm solving it... your posts do not contribute to its solution, so I'm not answering you (forgive me for being so-so).

And I'm not looking for justice - I just want to know how to work here on the forum. I don't need what I got in the discussion (particularly from your posts). I'm just looking for a way to get the result I want (not what you think is right).

I'll say it again: you can do better than me - just go ahead and do it! It will be a better proof of your rightness than a hundred theorizations about your "criticism is useful" : )

Any other argument for me (as hopefully for others as well) would still be:

... I'm just looking for a way to get the result I want (the one you think is right).

I didn't, and if I did, it was after you :o) Isn't "don't you have anything else to do?" to complain about?

Any other argument for me (as hopefully for others as well) would be the same:


I get it, you're not a reader - you're a writer! Then "you can do better than me - just go ahead and do it!" - will not help.

PS: Shall we make up or is it too early? :о)