We should write an advisor. - page 3


By the way I would like to point out to you that there was an idea during Stalin's time and now there is none. A lot of oligarchs with their ideas of profiting from others, and what do we have? And under Stalin we had inflation falling, not rising, mind you, our oligarchs picked their pockets. And after Stalin we are left with one or two dress uniforms, a few darn socks. And his granddaughter dying in poverty.

Fucking jokers.

You think what I said is funny? Why isn't it funny to me?

You don't like oligarchs with their principle of "profiting from others" and you do the same: you want a coder to do a job for you and get out. This is rotten.

Don't praise Stalin, it's not worth it. People paid for that drop in inflation and other "goodies" with their lives, their health, and the acceptance of social slavery (equality, that was the name back then).

You accept the principle of "I need it, so who wants to work for me for free", meaning that you get something of your own, while the coder, having done the work, gets nothing. Is that normal?


We need to raelite the councillor, for free).

Anyone willing to cooperate? Very much so. Write here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

It must be a sore point of the Russian mentality - to work for free, just for fun, for the communist idea, for Stalin...

Russia will long be one of the most underdeveloped countries, with a plinthly standard of living, because of Neytrons like this.

By the way, I'd like to point out to you that there was an idea during Stalin's time, and now there isn't one. Full of oligarchs with their ideas to profit from others, and what do we have? And under Stalin we had inflation falling, not rising, mind you, our oligarchs picked their pockets. And after Stalin we are left with one or two dress uniforms, a few darn socks. And his granddaughter dying in poverty.

Fucking jokers.

well some part of the population not in the camps - that part was the majority of course

it was a good time and prices were going down

and children in schools and universities were taught for nothing and "treated" for free.

it was not really a bad time - from one point of view - but on the other - a gulag and millions of free slaves in the woodsheds.

But the majority were not sure and were afraid that sooner or later they would not be in the minority for some reason.

I'm not denying that, any empire was built on blood. I could be wrong though.


You need an advisor, free of charge).

Someone get ready to cooperate? I really need it. Write here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

I'm just curious! When you came up with your nickname, what were your considerations? Be honest!!!

You like yelling, that's your business. If the criticism was constructive, I would probably discuss it with you. I don't like talking to people who are rude. If you have a grudge against me for not sharing an idea with you (it may be too small for you to take it on).


I'm not denying it, any empire was built on blood. Although I could be wrong.

Just put the idea out there...

There's a lot of "IKARs" out there...


I don't think anyone here has ever posted an IDEA.

except for the programmers - who have written so much for free in CODEBASE and there are many useful articles too


I also have IDEAS myself, I like them sometimes, and I write "for free" for myself


No, you're not wrong, any empire is built on blood

YuraZ писал (а):
Except for programmers, by the way - who have written so much for free in CODEBASE and have also written so many useful articles.
So it turns out that they spoiled the idea-creatives with freebies
YuraZ wrote (a):
except by the way programmers - who have written so much for free in CODEBASE and articles useful too
So it turns out that we spoiled the idea-creatives with freebies

this is a side effect

the idea of sharing ideas with code is a good one ...

publishing any achievement moves us all forward


Need to raelite the councillor, for free).

Is anyone willing to cooperate? I'd like that very much. Write here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

I'm just curious! When you came up with your nickname, what were your considerations? Be honest!!!
You like yelling, that's your business. I'm not hot or cold from it, but if the criticism was constructive, I would probably discuss it with you. I don't like talking to people who are rude. If you have a grudge against me for not sharing an idea with you (it may be even negligible for you to take it on).

Absolutely no intention to be sarcastic, let alone rude, let alone to grind a tooth!

I'll have to be constructive. You seem to have misunderstood my address, I was not talking about the idea, and about your newly created nickname (the name Neytron)).

Maybe you haven't noticed it, but the nickname you've created is different from the one used by one respected member Neutron by one letter! That's why I asked you this question.

P.S. This phenomenon has become a frequent occurrence on the forum and has begun to remind me of a kind of plagiarism "Korean-style" in the 90s.


Need to raelite the councillor, for free).

Is anyone willing to cooperate? I'd like that very much. Write here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

I'm just curious! When you came up with your nickname, what were your considerations? Be honest!!!
You like yakking your business. I am not hot not cold from this, but if the criticism was constructive, I would probably have a debate with you. I don't like talking to people who are rude. If you have a grudge against me for not sharing an idea with you (it may be even negligible for you to take it on).

Absolutely no intention to be sarcastic, let alone rude, let alone to grind a tooth!

I'll have to be constructive. You seem to have misunderstood my address, I was not talking about the idea, and about your newly created nickname (the name Neytron)).

Maybe you haven't noticed it, but the nickname you've created is different from the one used by one respected member Neutron by one letter! That's why I asked you this question.

P.S. This phenomenon has become a frequent occurrence on the forum and has begun to remind me of a sort of plagiarism "Korean-style" in the 90s.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I did not create the nickname maliciously))
Neytron писал (а):
I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I created the nickname without malice))
Intent without intent is intent.
VBAG писал (а):
You may not have noticed it, but the nickname you created differs from that of a respected member of Neutron by one letter! That's why I asked the question.
I almost bought the resemblance, but noticed the number of posts in time.
... If you are sharpening your teeth at me for not sharing the idea with you (it may even be insignificant for you to take it on).

That's right! You see, they are like crows circling around to steal your idea! As soon as you give them a bit of information, they will immediately code it, but only for themselves. Besides, if the idea becomes available to everyone, everyone will use it, it will stop working.

PS Our paranoia is the most paranoid paranoia in the world!