We should write an advisor. - page 2


We need to raelite the councillor, for free).

Anyone willing to cooperate? Very much so. Write back here, or better yet ICQ 371364205.

It must be a sore point of the Russian mentality - to work for free, for nothing, for the communist idea, for Stalin...

Russia will long be one of the most underdeveloped countries, with a plinthly standard of living, because of Neutrons like this.


We need to raelite the councillor, for free).

Anybody willing to cooperate? I'd like that very much. Write here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

It must be a sore point of the Russian mentality - to work for free, just for fun, for the communist idea, for Stalin...

Russia will long be one of the most underdeveloped countries, with a plinthly standard of living, because of Neytrons like this.

By the way, I'd like to point out to you that there was an idea during Stalin's time, and now there isn't one. Full of oligarchs with their ideas to profit from others, and what do we have? And under Stalin we had inflation falling, not rising, mind you, our oligarchs picked their pockets. And after Stalin we are left with one or two dress uniforms, a few darn socks. And his granddaughter dying in poverty.

Fucking jokers.


We need to raelite the councillor, for free).

anyone willing to cooperate? I really need it. Sign out here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

It must be a sore point of the Russian mentality - to work for free, just for fun, for the communist idea, for Stalin...

Russia will long be one of the most underdeveloped countries, with a plinthly standard of living, because of Neytrons like this.

We need more water to flow... for the "plinth" of life to rise

free labor - that's in the days of ancient Rome "slaves"

free labor is in the days of "developed socialism"


it doesn't even sound like the AUTHOR is sharing the idea :-) ... just free writing "VERY HARD" ---


my garage needs the walls painted and the roof repainted... "for free" ? - no, for some reason that doesn't occur to me.

So an oligarch is a bad thing, right?
so an oligarch is bad right?

:-) good for the Oligarch - bad for the outside world

although if the Oligarch is developing the world around him, it's probably a good thing.


an oligarch really doesn't need an adviser :-)

YuraZ писал (а):
I've got some painting to do in my garage and some roofing to do...
Yura, I'm playing with you... I need to change the gate...
YuraZ wrote (a):
I've got a garage to paint the walls and re-shingle the roof...
Yura, I'm playing with you... I need to change the gate...


So I'm wondering if anyone wants the council to write them for free.

for us for free :

I'll have the walls painted and the roof put up.

and you're gonna get your gate replaced


I'll probably go for it


there's CODEBASE ... that's where everyone writes for free


Need to raelise an advisor, for free)).

Anyone willing to cooperate? It is very necessary. Write here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

Here I am just curious! You when came up with a nickname, what considerations guided? Be honest!!!

We need to raelite the councillor, for free).

Anyone willing to cooperate? Very much so. Write back here, or better yet ICQ 371364205.

It must be a sore point of the Russian mentality - to work for free, just for fun, for the communist idea, for Stalin...

Russia will long be one of the most underdeveloped countries, with a plinthly standard of living, because of Neytrons like this.

By the way, I'd like to point out to you that there was an idea during Stalin's time, and now there isn't one. Full of oligarchs with their ideas to profit from others, and what do we have? And under Stalin we had inflation falling, not rising, mind you, our oligarchs picked their pockets. And after Stalin we are left with one or two dress uniforms, a few darn socks. And his granddaughter dying in poverty.

The fucking jokers.

Well some of the population who weren't in the camps - that part was the majority of course

it was a good time and prices were going down

and children in schools and universities were taught for nothing and "treated" for free.

it really wasn't that bad of a time - from one point of view - but on the other - a gulag and millions of free slaves on lumberyards

but the majority were not sure and were afraid that sooner or later they would be in the minority for some reason


Need to raelise an advisor, free of charge)).

Anyone willing to cooperate? It is very necessary. Write here, or better in ICQ 371364205.

I'm just curious! When you came up with your nickname, what were your considerations? Be honest!!!
You like yelling, that's your business. If the criticism was constructive, I'd probably discuss it with you. I don't like talking to people who are rude. If you have a grudge against me for not sharing an idea with you (it may be even negligible for you to take it on).