We should write an advisor. - page 4

...If you're sharpening your grudge against me for not sharing the idea with you (it may even be insignificant for you to take it on).

That's right! You see, they are like crows circling around to steal your idea! As soon as you give them a bit of information, they will immediately code it, but only for themselves. Besides, if the idea becomes available to everyone, everyone will use it, it will stop working.

PS Our paranoia is the most paranoid paranoia in the world!

What are you so angry about? Either you're a boor and you're enjoying it or you're not sharing a thought. If the advisor is effective it will be posted here.

We need to raelite the councillor, for free).

Would anyone be willing to cooperate? I really need it. If I don't know the exact number, I will have to give them a call and ask them why they should do this.

It must be a sore point of the Russian mentality - to work for free, for nothing, for the communist idea, for Stalin...

Russia will long be one of the most underdeveloped countries, with a plinthly standard of living, because of Neytrons like this.

More water needs to flow... to raise the 'plinth' of life

free labor - that's in the days of ancient Rome "slaves"

free labor is in the days of "developed socialism"


it doesn't even sound like the AUTHOR is sharing the idea :-) ... just free writing "VERY HARD" ---


my garage needs the walls painted and the roof repainted... "for free" ? - no, for some reason that doesn't occur to me.

You see, I don't have the money to do the job for money. And I pay off an enthusiast with just a thought. Sometimes a thought can be worth a disproportionate amount of money. But, unfortunately, it is a great rarity. Wouldn't I share an idea with a programmer by giving him the algorithm of an EA?

What are you so angry about? Either you're a boor and you're enjoying it or you're not sharing a thought. If the advisor is effective it will be posted here.
"And you, Brutus?!" So do people good. After all, I'm the only one in this thread who supported you, fully endorsed your strategy, didn't call you a freeloader or demand you give away the innermost things you've borne and nurtured within yourself... "Cruel age, cruel hearts."
What are you so angry about? Either you are a boor and enjoy it or you don't share an idea with them. If the advisor is effective it will be posted here.
"And you, Brutus?!" So do people good. After all, I'm the only one in this thread who supported you, fully endorsed your strategy, didn't call you a freeloader or demand you give away the innermost things you've borne and nurtured within yourself... "Cruel age, cruel hearts."

timbo 29.03.2008 14:18

Vinin wrote (a): Apparently, Vanya, you have to put the idea out there. Otherwise a cat in a poke it turns out.

Under no circumstances, do not put it, or the idea will be stolen! Don't listen to no one, wait for your prince on a white horse of a programmer-enthusiast, he will come for sure!


Judging by the meaning and emotionality of the punctuation marks - I deduced that you were just messing with me.


timbo 30.03.2008 01:46

Neytron wrote (a):
... If you're sharpening your teeth at me for not sharing an idea with you (it may even be worthless for you to take it on).

That's right! You see, they are circling like crows to steal your idea! As soon as you give them a bit of information, they will encode it, but only for themselves. Besides, if the idea becomes available to everyone, everyone will use it, it will stop working.

PS Our paranoia is the most paranoid paranoia in the world!

Well, that makes even more sense. You know, it's not good to be sarcastic. It's like trying to sing along to someone in a crooked voice.


And here, it's even more understandable. It's not good to be sarcastic, you know. It's like trying to sing along to someone in a crooked voice.

So you think those who say "put the idea out there" are mad at you, those who say "don't put the idea out there" are also mad at you.

I mean, you feel like the whole world is mad at you, no matter what they're actually doing. "Maybe you should get a girlfriend."


And here, it's even more understandable. It's not good to be sarcastic, you know. It's like trying to sing along to someone in a crooked voice.

So you think those who say "put the idea out there" are mad at you, those who say "don't put the idea out there" are mad at you too.

I mean, you feel like the whole world is mad at you, no matter what they're actually doing. "Maybe you should get a girlfriend."

In a way I think they are angry, but I don't know the motives of why I got that answer. THEY who say don't put the idea out there( i.e. in this case you) are poking fun at me, with irony in their remarks, sort of. If I'm wrong, I will admit my mistake and even sincerely apologize to you, the ability to admit one's mistakes is, you know, a question of morality. But will you be able to admit your mistake, if there is one? Again, sarcasm - there's nothing wrong with girls.


A post on the programmers forum:

И снова язвите - с девушками у меня все в порядке.

! :)

Can we also discuss puberty?


A post on a programmers forum:

Once again you're being sarcastic - there's nothing wrong with the girls.

! :)

Can we talk more about puberty?

Well the opponent went in that direction himself))))


1. Вход производится по развороту(пробитию параболика линией цены) Parabolic Sar -
1.1. Если цена пробивает параболик сверху вниз, то появлется сигнал параболика на продажу и открывается позиция на продажу
1.2. Если цена пробивает параболик снизу вверх, то появлется сигнал параболика на покупку и открывается позиция на покупку.
(настройки (изменены) шаг 0,005, максимум 0,1).
2. Выход производиться наступлением одного из двух событий:
2.1 позиция на покупку закрывается сигналом индикатор Relative Strenght Index(далее RSI):
- должны выполниться два условия:
2.1.1 Пробитие линии(пересечение) 70 индикатора RSI сверху вниз; следующий шаг -
2.1.2. Пробитие линии(можно и просто касание) линии 65, индикатора RSI сверху вниз.
2.2. позиция на продажу закрывается сигналом индикатор Relative Strenght Index:
- должны выполниться два условия:
2.2.1. Пробитие линии(пересечение) 30 индикатора RSI снизу вверх; следующий шаг -
2.2.2. Пробитие линии(можно и просто касание) линии 35, индикатора RSI снизу вверх.
3. Разворот Parabolic Sar - пробитие Parabolic Sar линией цены:
3.1. при открытой позиции на покупку, разворот parabolica (появляется точка над линией цены - т.е. сигнал на продажу) должен приводить к закрытию данной позиции ( ну соответственно и выполнению пункта 1.1.)
3.2.при открытой позиции на продажу, разворот parabolica (появляется точка под линией цены - т.е. сигнал на покупку) должен приводить к закрытию данной позиции ( ну соответственно и выполнению пункта 1.2.)

Here's the algorithm to work with, but it's all raw and the settings are basically not fine-tuned.

Here comes the councillor. Who has any ideas for improvements and comments on its operation?
pr_system.mq4  12 kb