a completely random process and FOREX. - page 3


The value will not be negative, because the sum of + and - movements is approximately equal.
you can see it all on the chart

It should be noted that the picture may be quite different from one run to another.
that's what I wrote about

It's clear that the real financial process is not so chaotic.

However... levels, fibo. flats and so on.
and the fibo is because:

The FIBO levels are present. It is clear that each successive value is equal to the sum of its previous values.

Let me ask you a question - so what??????? Say what you want to say or are you just having fun?

well both.

I got some patterns by analysing forex and then decided to do the same for a random process. for fun.
I generated these pictures, which came as a bit of a shock to me, because they have everything the analysis says.
and it's not a market. It's just a random number generator.

You're saying it's a bad model.
Again, it's not a model, it's more of a joke. but even this perfectly simple model. generates a real market.

is this behaviour obvious to you?


To D.Will

The analysis of forex has given me some regularities, and then I decided to do the same for a random process. for the sake of interest. i generated these pictures. they shocked me a bit. they have everything that the analysis says about. <br / translate="no"> and it's not a market. it's just a random number generator.

If you dig into history you will come across a huge amount of similar ravings. I mean, it's a known fact. I was just figuring out what the story was about. It is clear now.

Is such behaviour obvious to you?

I mean can I perform such calculations in my mind as MathLab does? No I can.

To Korey

So in 60's they tried to simulate time series with a set of oscillators and transformations, supposedly with stochastic by stochastic, supposedly one can predict. I don't know about the models, but the output was PhDs and academics.

I'm aware of this, that's why I asked the author about the meaning of the publication.


to D.Will

I analyzed forex and got some regularities, and then i decided to do the same for a random process.
and then I decided to do the same for a random process.
I saw these pictures, which shocked me a little bit.
everything that the analysis says.

and it's not a market. It's just a random number generator.

If you dig around in history, you'll come across a lot
you'll come across a lot of raves like that. I mean, it's a known fact. I was just figuring out
what the story was about. It all makes sense now.

If it makes sense to you, can you explain why prices on a random chart jump from level to level?

is this behaviour obvious to you?

I mean, can I do these calculations in my mind,
like MathLab does?
I can't.

D.W>don't you get it? What's MathLab got to do with it?

to Korey

Well, in the '60s they tried to simulate time series
with a set of generators and transformations, supposedly stochastic by
stochastic, supposedly with a semblance you can predict. I don't know about the models,
but the output was PhDs and academics.

I know, that's why I asked the author about the meaning of the publication.

Can anyone explain how a random process saves levels? I'm just guessing =(

The topic is great!!! Its author has shown us - that the market, with its generally accepted patterns, is as chaotic a fluctuation as everything around us. Question: what will I be thinking about tomorrow - wait a second, wait a second, expectation, statistics, mathematics, read more ..... Does anyone really believe in predicting the future? Forex market is as unpredictable chaos as anything in our life. Conclusion one - in this market, we can achieve at least one thing: see what is happening at the moment, and have time to make decisions. Great topic!!!


The topic is great!!! Its author has shown us - that the market, with its generally accepted patterns, is as chaotic a fluctuation as everything around us. Question: what will I be thinking about tomorrow - wait a second, wait a second, expectation, statistics, mathematics, read more ..... Does anyone really believe in predicting the future? Forex market is as unpredictable chaos as anything in our life. Conclusion one - in this market, we can achieve at least one thing: see what is happening at the moment, and have time to make decisions. Great topic!!!

Well, at least someone understands.

Of course I hope that the market is more real. and recent Usd events confirm this.

here is an example. generated for g uniform distribution. in theory. the graph should be constantly near zero.
no way. this is not for computer.


for i=2:1:length(r)
grid on;

On some plot go sub +++++++++. On another plot --------------.

And the most basic property of the market is that there is a narrowing of the dynamics before large movements.
D.Will писал (а):

Can anyone explain how a random process saves levels? I'm just guessing =(


Marsaglia A968) proved that all random number probes,
using recurrence ratios, suffer to some extent from correlation between successive
degree of correlation between consecutive numbers.

Citation2: As proved in Theorem A (Knuth A969), p. 29), the sequence
sequence {Yn} necessarily has period of maximum length m

D.Will писал (а):

Can anyone explain how a random process saves levels? I'm just guessing =(

What does this have to do with a random process? The graph is a fully deterministic series, just statistically indistinguishable from a random one. So it's just a good example of a chaotic series :) .
D.Will wrote (a):

Can someone please explain where in a random process the saving of levels comes from? I only have a guess =(


Marsaglia A968) proved that all random number probes,

using recurrence ratios, suffer to some extent from correlation between successive

degree of correlation between consecutive numbers.

Citation2: As proved in Theorem A (Knuth A969), p. 29), the sequence

sequence {Yn} necessarily has period of maximum length m

Okay, first guess.

by the way
at an accuracy of 16 digits cannot generate a sequence of more than (65536) elements.

We can do the following. Let's say 3 people each generate 10.000 numbers from 0...1 I will randomly mix them up and make a graph. =).
D.Will wrote (a):

Can someone please explain where in the random process the saving of levels comes from? I only have a guess =(

What's the random process got to do with it? The graph is a fully deterministic series, just statistically indistinguishable from a random one. So it is just a good example of a chaotic series :) .
What are you doing?
do not confuse us please.
A random process by definition is a sequence of random variables. When defining a random process we always talk about variance and variance and all sorts of other things.

And a deterministic process is a process that at any given time can be clearly said to be the next state the system will go to.

There's always talk about the deterministic component and the chaotic component.

The more deterministic a process is, the more certain we are about its future evolution.

Moreover, there are systems whose operation is fully described *for example
which is almost impossible to predict. at a->4.

Such processes are called deterministic chaos.
D.Will писал (а):
The graph is a fully deterministic series, just statistically indistinguishable from a random series. So it is just a good example of a chaotic series :) .
What are you doing?
do not confuse us please.
A random process is by definition a sequence of random variables. When defining a random process we always talk about variance and variance and everything else.

And a deterministic process is a process that at any given time you can clearly say what the next state the system will move to.
For standard pseudo-random number generators you only need to know the number at which it starts to predict the series unambiguously. So the series in your picture is theoretically fully predictable.