a completely random process and FOREX. - page 2


to timbo

And that the apparatus for modelling these "natural and technical processes" exists and its use makes it possible to predict these processes with high probability. The thought arises, if they are so similar, why not...

Indeed, "why not", but who's stopping you? - have all the fun you want.

It speaks volumes about the level of the discussion...

Apparently the level is extremely low, I'm saddened. Really pissed myself, I admit it. I've been working with this quote for so long that one is assured of its existence even before the creation of the world. I'm afraid I can't raise the "level of discussion" any more, but at least you don't get upset. :о)))


In other words: are you sure that taking a real
starting level of eurusd of the seventies and modeling quotes like this, you
will not go into deficit and crush the whole world with this model (which has nothing to do with the
forex model)?

On the contrary, I'm sure this model could easily go into minus. If I strained, I could even calculate the probability of this event for the given inputs, it would be quite high.

The other issue is that this is not a "forex model", it is another approach to the question of whether forex is random or not. It is not a simulation of quotes, but a simulation of the dynamics of a certain process, and for some reason it is painfully similar to a price chart. And that leaves only one main question how "similar"?

It does not simulate uerusd specifically. So the histogram is taken from eurusd and according to this distribution (normal) 1000 random variables are generated.

It won't show losses since the sum of + and - movements is almost equal. See the histogram.

. The funny thing is that resistance and support levels, reversals and price levels can be seen on the chart. Although there's nothing of that in reality. Here's the thing.

want to tell me where your graph is going to go next? =)

50% chance of guessing. Does it look like it's going down? It could go up and still look right.

can this sequence be predicted?
The author probably meant to say that forex is as unpredictable as any random event. Only there are no random events...

What is non-random here?

1. the random number generator in a computer is a pseudo-random generator.
2. a normal distribution also defines a certain regularity. i.e. large movements are more likely, small ones less likely.

what else is non-random here?

except that this graph ended up on this forum=)


Tell me, is the eurusd also showing
quotes with a level, for example, "-0.2". And who in this case owes who all
of the world?

and the idea that this graph could be moved up a unit and a half of anything is beyond your imagination?

Specify, if you don't mind, how much imagination would have to be
imagination, that, for example, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 consecutive simulations
of, say, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
hasn't lowered the bar below the plinth?

In other words: are you sure that by taking a real
starting level of the eurusd and modelling quotes in this way, you will not
the world without losing and crushing with this model (which has nothing to do with the
Forex model) all the foundations of the world?

1,000,000 is roughly 4,000 years of history.

It's pretty much what it should be. Well, it's very similar.

I note that from launch to launch, the picture can vary greatly. Up and down.

It's clear that the real financial process is not so chaotic.
however... levels, fibo. flotsam and the like.
The level of discussion can be raised by using a superposition of
n RND generators + k wave generators + z integrators + m multipliers + s adders
D.Will писал (а):

want to tell me where your graph is going to go next? =)

50% chance of guessing. Does it look like it's going down? It could go up and still look right.

can this sequence be predicted?

If it is a completely random sequence, as the name says, you can't, which is why there will be a 50% chance of predicting it - like flipping a coin.
D.Will wrote (a):



want to tell me where your graph is going to go next? =)

50% chance of guessing. Does it look like it's going down? It can also go up and still look right

this sequence can be predicted?

If it's a completely random sequence, as the title says, you can't, which is why there will be a 50% chance of prediction - like with flipping a coin.

You can raise the level of discussion if you use superposition

n RND generators + k wave generators + z integrators + m multipliers + s adders

Why? It's complicated enough as it is. =)
chart shows everything.
I should note that the picture can vary greatly from start to start, up and down.
that's what I wrote

It's clear that the real financial process is not so chaotic.
However... levels, fibo. flats and so on.
the fibo is because:
It is clear that each successive value is equal to the sum of its preceding ones.

Let me ask you a question - so what??????? Say what you want to say or are you just having fun?
Back in the 60s they tried modelling time series with a set of oscillators and transformations,
supposedly stochastic by stochastic,
supposedly by getting a similarity you can predict. I don't know about the models, but the output was PhDs and academics.