[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 245


In what sense, as an action on the Russian side so that Russian residents cannot watch it, or as an action on YouTube - not to show the content to Russian residents? At the moment, there are quite a few videos on YouTube that are not shown to Russian residents. Reason enough not to go on it as a matter of principle.

As Russia's action

In Komsomolsk on Amur, the court ordered the provider to filter the entire YouTube site for the entire district.

In Dagestan, a filter on the entire Zh Zhj


In what sense, as an action on the Russian side, so that Russian residents cannot watch it, or as an action on YouTube - not to show the content to Russian residents? At the moment, there are quite a few videos on YouTube that are not shown to Russian residents. Reason enough not to go on it as a matter of principle.

Democracy in action.

Демократия в действии.

Svetlanko, what does democracy have to do with it? Democracy is all about openness and access to information. Do you think your grandfather Stalin or the king peas would allow you to use the Internet? Read about the Internet in your beloved North Korea, there is an Internet there! Separated from the world's, special for their own people, with perforation. And with filters, even though it's closed.

Read about the internet in your beloved North Korea, they have internet! Separate from the world, special for its own people, with perforation. And filtered, even though it's closed.
Interesting news, thanks, I didn't know.

Svetlanko, what has democracy got to do with it? Democracy on the contrary for the openness and availability of information. Do you think that your grandfather Stalin or the king peas would have allowed you to use the Internet? Read about the Internet in your beloved North Korea, there is an Internet there! Separated from the world's, special for their own people, with perforation. And with filters, even though it's closed.

Yes, yes, there was no sex in the USSR either, and in defiance of the CPSU Central Committee, they multiplied and multiplied.

In totalitarian China, the internet was also under scrutiny. And in the US. And us. And the rest of the world. And it's OK, everybody's alive and kicking ass around the world, while we're here, scaring everybody with totalitarian Stalin and repenting to the Poles.

It's just that if you think about it -- "Democracy is the opposite of openness and access to information" -- it sounds funny as hell.

References to perforation are always invariably hilarious too. Don't be lazy and find out how it is in the Citadel of Democracy. That is where the police state, surpassing everyone and everything, even intensively demonised USSR.

P.S. "Democracy on the contrary for the openness and availability of information" - is that why users from Russia can't watch some videos?

Interesting news, thanks, didn't know.
OBS agency, scared of another spectre of communism.
Americans, by the way, are not the paragon of a democratic country. Despite their personal opinion of themselves.

You feel like some bureaucrat's daughter, living like a bureaucrat without wanting to know about anything, and the evil democrats came and ruined everything, asked her daddy out of work and replaced her with a crap democrat. There will be revenge on the shitcrats for the rest of our lives. Or even worse, the first husband was a shitocrat. I don't get it, where did such communist notions come from?

"you" are the real departed type:)))))

I'd even say lumpman.