[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 123

rid писал(а) >>

filtered out...

Read this today

there's a phrase in the epilogue

As of late, he only looks at the monthly charts, and figures out when this short-term correction will end and start rising again...

There are all kinds of stories on the Internet, but those that could be called "selected" are one, two and a half. Alas :(
drknn писал(а) >>
There really are a lot of stories on the Internet, but the ones that could be called "selected" are one, two or three of them. >> Alas :(

Finally, I mean, there are a lot of stories, you have to be able to tell them.

-to the "poshoshock" ????

-What am I doing? -We'll do it again. Come on...

- Let's do it like the grandfathers... I mean, "behind the bell"...

-Go on... -fuuuu... clap

-Let's have a "stirrup", brother, and scatter...

-pow-pow-pow... here we go


And 02 is out of ammo...



An American, as it would later turn out, was "sly" and bought a box of very expensive and rare cigars, insuring them, among other things, against fire. A month later, the cigars "unexpectedly" ran out, but that didn't stop the enterprising gentleman from contacting the insurance company to claim that the cigars had been lost due to "a series of small fires" (the English word for "fire" and "fire" is designated by the same word "fire").

After receiving a denial from the company to reimburse the insurance policy, the plaintiff went to court and won. Although in the judgment the judge found the claim to be, to put it bluntly, frivolous, denying the existence of a policy that did not define the "desirability" or "permissibility" of any type of fire was, he said, pointless. The insurers did not rely on costly appeals and paid $15,000 for the "burnt" cigars.

However, the plaintiff was never able to enjoy the new ones, because immediately after receiving the cash check, he was arrested on the basis of the same policy and his testimony in court. He was accused of 24 episodes (by the number of cigars in the box) of deliberately destroying insured property through arson. And the new trial resulted in 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.

Here's where the saying about a hole dug for others has a high degree of validity. After all, it's not for nothing that they say you should always limit yourself to the size of your own body when doing this kind of "digging".

baltik писал(а) >>

baltik , bring back the LOKO avatar! :)))

A sober person (true to life)

If you have a sober person at your wedding or company party, chase them away! The sober man is your worst enemy. He doesn't sleep in the salad, he doesn't kiss the groom, he doesn't sour the bride's face - he's dangerous, cunning and terribly cunning! Oh, he is capable of many things: to walk in a straight line, to count to 10 and back, to pronounce the impossible word "oscillograph" without a stutter, to breathe into a straw and to pass a blood alcohol test.
Everything about a sober man is disgusting: his face, his thoughts, his clothes. His face, sober as a pig, is vile by definition. His thoughts are logical and mockingly rational. His clothes are obscenely neat and his shirt is defiantly unbuttoned. He has orange juice in his hand. The sober man's eyes are blatantly brazen, for they do not squint, but there is eternal condemnation in them. He is the embodiment of your conscience. While you, cheerful and happy, revel in dirty dancing with your boss and swapping underwear with Lenochka from accounting department, he observes and remembers. Memory is his main weapon! Tomorrow, unlike you, he'll remember everything. Send him away.
Everything human is alien to him. He's a terminator who's come to kill the spirit of fun. A sober man doesn't laugh at your brilliant, brilliantly brilliant jokes. He doesn't weep over "how pleasant are the evenings in Russia", he doesn't care about "white roses", because he's a callous bastard. When he gets in his car, the windows don't sweat. He can't stand the smell of overbreath and is said not to be reflected in the mirror, for he is a bloodsucker.
Fighting a sober man is useless, but you can easily spot him. To do so, shout at the top of your lungs, "Keep your head up, you midshipmen!" If he doesn't pick up immediately, you should get a vague suspicion. But if he doesn't break down and go, "Destiny and the motherland are one!" - you'll know he's sober. He is no comrade to you - chase him away.

DDFedor писал(а) >>

baltik , give me back my avatar! :)))

Yeah, not right now, right here http://lokomotiv.yar.ru/multimedia/downloads/logo.html

and I'll go here http://www.streetmus.ru/mp3/centr-guf/

baltik писал(а) >>

>> Good luck! :)
DDFedor писал(а) >>

>> Good luck! :)

>> wait, there's questions.

Here's a tricky topic for a "grey" person: https://book.mql4.com/ru/basics/operators

so let me get this straight:

Has anyone tried to make EA based on tick counting? The topic seems to fit the question!

The point is to count UP&Down ticks in T -time to make a mate conclusion about Katana's intent.

and do the opposite