[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 804




.... It is true that there was no official day of any kind of beautiful badge these days, ...

In our day, here it was: we used to call it "fooey in the bush, sparks flew".

It's too late, Misha... Kansk, but there is no division, not one of its regiments. Solokhin was the division chief of staff.

and here's a couple more:

- sitting in the bushes, waiting for the "hero."

- Sly as a serpent and a drinker.


There! Now I know how to peel chicken eggs! class! >

Can I put it in humour?))

Bernanke also spoke out on concerns about the impact of the asset purchase programme known as "quantitative easing", saying that the Fed is "not printing money" to buy assets, but lending money electronically to banks.

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In humour - Is this a joke?

Will it ever be possible to set status?


Who is it?