[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 741

ps. And everyone who goes where Comrade Nemtsov invites them to march in formation - will be there too.


There is magic in surnames after all. Is the world sabre champion Krovopuskov by any chance?

Castaneda or something, reread. )))

The other side of the coin.

Getting drunk with Grebenshikov

"Yes, dear brothers, there's no one poorer than Grebenshikov.
He's afraid to go out, but he has to! Family: run out for milk, take out a bucket of garbage... And try to go through the admirers with that garbage bucket! No one would say: Boris, I love your music, so come on, I'll take it out of the trash bucket. No way! You'll be offered a glass and drink it with me, and I'll brag to everybody that I got drunk with Grebenshchikov... So he comes to the door with a trash bucket, listens: silence. He looks through the crack: nobody's there.

Grebenshikov quickly rushes out the door and just steps onto the stairs when someone grabs him by the throat from behind... The bucket of washing spills out, he falls down, his legs are dragging in the slop, before he can open his mouth to cry out - but they unclench his teeth with a knife and pour a glass of moonshine in it...

Borja lies dazed, half-blind and shattered and his admirers gossip and go down the stairs happy: they had a drink with Grebenshikov after all!"

"A story from the States even made the newspapers: a huge wedding for 300 people. After the ceremony, during the celebration, the newlywed climbed to the podium and stepped up to the microphone to make a speech to the assembled guests. He said he wanted to thank everyone for coming and for their support during the wedding, especially those who had come from afar. Specially wanted to thank the bride's family and in-laws for coming together and the in-laws for organising such a delightful wedding. I wanted to thank everyone for the gifts and everything they did, and said that I wanted to prepare a special gift just for everyone from myself. So he taped an envelope under the seat of each chair. He said it was a gift for everyone and asked everyone to open the envelopes...

In each envelope was an 8x10 picture that represented the witness of the newlywed having sex with the bride. The newlywed was suspicious of the two and hired a private investigator to investigate a few weeks before the wedding.
The newlywed then stood on the podium for a few more minutes, watching the reactions of those gathered, before turning to the witness and saying "F@ck you", then turning to the bride and repeating "F@ck you", before turning to the stunned guests: "I'm out of here" and walked out. Immediately on the following Monday, the man filed for divorce.
While most couples would have ended the relationship immediately upon receiving this information, this man went through all the wedding preparations and the ceremony as if nothing had happened. His revenge amounted to: The bride's parents paid $35,000 for a reception for 300 guests. He let everyone know what had happened. But the best part was that he ruined the reputation of the bride and the witness in front of all their friends and family in full (parents, brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces, etc.)"

A Russian junkie abroad.




A Russian junkie abroad.

Cool! Cool! Well done Maria Ivanovna. (Really great)) >

A Russian junkie abroad.

Shop in Malta for Russians:


(how to insert YouTube?)

Cool! Cool! Well done Maria Ivanovna. (Really great))
Maybe delete the video, huh? The reaction is not too strong? ;)