[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 656


http://www.google.ru/ - - - a cool little guitar put up. If you click on the keyboard icon, you can enter notes in numbers from the keyboard :)

For example:

55 56 587 87 65 23
55 56 587 87 65 31

A man comes home at 2am, drunk. His wife greets him with anger: "Go back to where you came from! Husband pulls out the phone, dials a number and says into the receiver: - Well, it's all right, Kolyan. I got the day off!

An interview with a backing track...


- Darling, isn't it true that I was given to you by God?
- Yes, sweetheart.... but for what sins i don't know...


It turns out that the phrase: "Alla, I'm going to the bar! ", shouted loudly to his wife in a large crowd, is wonderfully respectful.


Two blondes meet: -Look, my sister's nuts... She dressed up as a man and joined the army... - But she has to go to the baths with men. Somebody's bound to turn her in! - Who's going to turn her in?!


The director's calling a meeting in the morning.
- All right,listen up.Let's go over the work plan for the week.
All right,everybody,listen up.
- All right,so monday... well, Monday is after the weekend, so we're taking the weekend off... Tuesday... well, that's after Monday, and Monday's after the weekend, so we're clear, right?
Everyone nods.
- Wednesday... so Wednesday is the hardest working time, Wednesday we work, we work hard. Okay, right?
Everybody nods.
- Thursday...well, Thursday is before Friday, and Friday is before the weekend, so it's getting ready for the weekend, okay?
Everybody nods.
- What's up? Any questions?
Arm's outstretched.
- Andrei Ivanovich, when will this nonsense with Wednesdays be over?


Careful - foul language


Beardface - 13 The Guardian and Classmate Meeting Night - http://video.bigmir.net/show/224438/


Katya: I caught the bouquet at the wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
User Sasha removes Katya from her friends.
User Yura deletes Katya from friends.
User Igor deletes Katya from friends.


The riddle of female logic: pluck your eyebrows and immediately draw them in with a pencil.


- Hello, is this Odessa?
- What do you think?
- Is it Rabinovich?
- Why?
- Do you know that your uncle died in New York?
- All for me?
- Do you know how much debt he owes?
- Look, where are you calling?