[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 631



I propose a caption: FAMILY BUSINESS

I suggest a caption: FAMILY BUSINESS

What if she doesn't, but she steals?

What if she doesn't, but she steals?
Now it's funny ))

I see. We need a comment contest.

Here's a comment, how to improve it?


I see. We need a comment contest.

Here's a comment, how to improve it?

ZetM, - take something from Omar Khayyam's RUBAI, for example:


Need wine, fun and beauties?
After all, life goes on and time is short.
I'm told: -- God give you a fix!
God doesn't give. I wouldn't take it.

Who will shine in the cup of life?
You or me? Shines and disappears.
And the cupbearer of life is millions
Radiant splashes and spills and spills.

Tender woman's face and green grass
I'll enjoy as long as I live.
Drinking wine, drinking wine and probably will
Drinking wine until my fatal moment.

All that you see is only one appearance,
Only form - and no one can see the essence.
Do not try to understand the meaning of these pictures.
Sit quietly by the side and drink wine!

If you go through life looking for pleasure:
Drinking wine, listening to Chang and caressing beauties -
You'll have to part with it anyway.
Life is like a dream. But you can't sleep forever!

Inthis world, love is the ornament of men,
To be deprived of love is to be without friends.
He whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
That donkey, though he wears no donkey ears!

Better to drink and fondle the merry beauties,
Than to fast and pray and seek salvation.
If hell is for lovers and drunks,
Who should be allowed into heaven?

===========och. not bad ====================
When the nightingales sing the song of love -
Drink yourself and make your girlfriend drunk with wine.
Do you see, roses open in love's languor?
Quench, O lover, your desires!


Why didn't the almighty creator of our bodies
grant us immortality?
If we are perfect, why do we die?
If we are imperfect, who's the marauder?

ETC. ....


but that part of the body was shown there "visually"!

In the shot of "Gotta, Fedya, gotta..."


In the spirit of the day...



Trader and Wife

A trader complains to his mate:

- I had everything: money, a great house, a luxury car and a beautiful woman who loved me. And then bang! All of a sudden it was gone.
- What, a series of losing trades? - My buddy asks.
- No, worse, my wife found out...