[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 591


Someone has posted some interesting clicks in pictures here before. It turns out it's a whole click culture.

http://www.lazurnoe.com - click the seagull
http://www.multimenu.ru - wait for the blonde, click the daisy
http://www.greenbag.ru/story/finland/-- click on the stag's nose in the top right corner
http://www.fishingspb.ru/ - click three times on the fisherman on the boat
http://www.gazon-avangard.ru/redactor.php?id_part=9 Vanguard lawn. - Wait until the word "lawn" appears and click on the guy with the sickle (the sickle itself).
http://www.i-kamin.ru/maps/sushevskiy_val.html - First, click on "how to get there", then on "how to pass", and right after that on the fireplace logo on the map, a red car will appear and you will see
http://seopult.ru/ Lite version click on O in the logo, Hard version - click on U in the logo.
http://super-perevod.com.ua/ click on the plane.
http://mechenosets.ru/ Press shift and click on the logo on the website.
http://559.tut.ua/ hover your cursor over the nosey little man on the top left next to the numbers 559.
http://www.energoservis.net/ Click in the banner on the moon 5 times.
http://rem-ivbb.ru/ click on the builder in the bottom left corner three times
http://www.completo.ru/5 drag the shortcut down and up
http://bobrikov.net/ On the logo, click on the beaver's tongue.
http://www.doroga78.ru/ Traffic lights - Click on any of the traffic lights at the bottom of the page three times. Two developmental options.
http://zoloto585.ru/ mouse right until the end of the shop there is a guard there click on it several times to look both pardon and execution)))) and the same on the central saleswoman several times
http://pool.in.ua/products/baseinspa/ click on the red shoes.
http://miss.sporthit.ru The girl on the left is holding a board. You have to click on the board several times in a row

At the pharmacy:
- What do you young people want?
- Two packs of calcium gluconate.
- That's it?
- Activated charcoal, please, two as well.
- What's going on here?
- Dormitory checkers championship!


The Chinaman is being asked:
- How do you like Moscow?
- Great: clean, quiet and not too many people...


The unit commander summons a soldier:
- Private Petrov, do you believe in the afterlife?
- ???
- There's a grandmother waiting for you at the checkpoint, the one you went to the funeral two weeks ago.


- I have two pieces of news...
- Start with the good news!
- Who told you there was good news?!


- Hello, is this the Animal Welfare Society?
- Yes, is there a problem?
- There's a postman sitting in a tree in my garden insulting my dog with the last words...


A programmer calls the library.
- Hello, is Katya there?
- She's in the archive.
- Unzip her, please. I need it right away.

Spectrum analysis

The blues came out in defence of the greens and the reds picked a fight with the reds, this was reported in colours by the black PR people in the yellow press.

(quote from the web)




The number plate on a Volga wedding car is 100% montage: there is no "D" on the number plate, nor are there any B, G, Y, Y, Z, I, Y, L, P, U, F, X, T, CH, SH, SH, Y, R, E, Y, Y, I.

The number plate on a Volga wedding car is 100% montage: there is no "D" on number plates, nor are there any B, G, Y, Y, Z, I, Y, L, P, U, F, X, T, CH, S, T, Y, R, E, Y, Y, Y.

X's are used in a way.
The whole point is to be able to read Latin.
X / U = Igrek / X.


The number plate on a Volga wedding car is 100% a montage: there is no "D" on number plates, nor are there any letters B, G, Y, Z, I, Y, L, P, U, F, X, T, CH, S, T, Y, R, E, Y, Y, I.

Montage-perhaps, but you're wrong about the letters... :-))) There are.

Montage-perhaps, but you're wrong about the letters... :-))) There are.
"X" and "U" do.
"X" and "Y" - there are

Yes... :-)))