[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 352

The inexperienced mushroom pickers got lost and ate all the mushrooms they could find for two days.
Now they have been found, but their accounts differ. Not even the ages are the same.

Admins: how they work



- I'm going fishing with my wife!
- Wow! Does she fish with you?
- Yeah, she was fishing at first, but then she got into it...
...then it should also be written on money: money causes murder, theft, envy and revolutions

ISS online mms://a1709.l1856953708.c18569.g.lm.akamaistream.net/D/1709/18569/v0001/reflector:53708

The cameras change from time to time, conversations with the ground in russian and english are occasionally heard and "people" sometimes pass by



ISS online mms://a1709.l1856953708.c18569.g.lm.akamaistream.net/D/1709/18569/v0001/reflector:53708

The cameras change from time to time, conversations with the ground in russian and english are occasionally heard and "people" sometimes pass by

I watched it for 5 hours and realised I don't want to be an astronaut at all, I mean no way, I'd rather be killed on the ground

just five hours of watching and I realized I don't want to be an astronaut at all, I mean no way, I'd rather be killed on the ground

and i'm almost always watching... there's also https://www.mql5.com/go?link=https://kosmos-x.net.ru// a great website about everything interesting, videos...

I love space and everything to do with it. I guess I'm not from this planet:)