[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 257

"A little more and your asthma will turn to gold." // in the original, I think it's stubble ("The feat of a scout")

I want winter, I WANT winter, I want snow, lots of snow

Bad summer.

It was - I heard it on the zombie TV somewhere - only 2 degrees below normal. Not abnormal like this summer. Although these cold waves without a single thaw bothered me a lot.

It feels like the weather is about to change drastically and go into a new quasi-stable state. Chaotica says that noise fluctuations increase dramatically before the system catastrophes.


Alexey, according to the data excavated by mankind, our old Earth has passed about 20 periods of global warming - cooling and very often it was connected with revolution of a magnetic field of a planet. If to pore Inet in a direction " South Atlantic magnetic anomaly " it is possible to draw very interesting conclusions. And it's quite possible that humanity is totally unprepared for future climate change, take for example that little Icelandic volcano with the hard to pronounce name :) - and what have we been able to do?


Fortunately the wait is short. December 2012 is almost upon us. Behold with your own eyes. :)


Yeah... And in 2012 we have an election. There are rumors (at the instigation of the Kremlin, as I understood from the ramblings of political analysts) about some mysterious third candidate.

I'm wondering... in light of the pending end of the world... who could it be? No, no... it's scary to even think in that direction.

Horror. )))


It is unlikely that it will be so abrupt - right with the expected date, unless the true creator(s) of this system show up :) well, it can't be that simple - three dimensions, one time stream... is everything as we perceive it?

In general, the global warming situation is somewhat reminiscent of the usual trading situation - temperatures are rising, but we don't know exactly why. There are various assumptions and hypotheses, but there is no complete certainty and the estimates are probabilistic. Apparently, insiders are working and what-where-why will become clear when the train has already left.

+ hundred and fifty !


I want winter, I WANT winter, I want snow, lots of snow

bad summer

our snow is stolen ))


there is usually a thunderstorm after a heatwave, and after a very big heatwave, there must be a very big thunderstorm.