[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 256


Valery Shantsev has officially entered his second term as governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, ITAR-TASS reported.

He pronounced the oath in the presence of 200 guests, in which he promised to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws,

It's funny, in its own way, but it's not humourous

Neighbours of the Nizhny Novgorod Region - Tatarstan President Rustam Minikhanov and Kirov Region Governor Nikita Belykh

arrived in Nizhny Novgorod and congratulated Valery Shantsev.

Rustam Minikhanov wished Shantsev good luck as he assumes office in a difficult period of drought and forest fires,

raging in the Nizhny Novgorod region. "We adopt your experience in dealing with the elements and wish you good luck," stressed the President of Tatarstan.

I take my hat off to the President of Tatarstan, what a sense of humour


"We adopt your experience in dealing with the elements and wish you good luck," stressed the President of Tatarstan.

Hats off to the President of Tatarstan, that sense of humour

It's a shame about Tatarstan, though, if the President wasn't joking.

I want winter, I WANT winter, I want snow, lots of snow

bad summer

Pity about Tatarstan, however, if the president wasn't joking.

Joking is joking, but in the last 24 hours the number of fires, according to monitoring, has increased by roughly a factor of two


Joking is joking, but in the last 24 hours the number of fires has increased by roughly a factor of two, according to monitoring

This is no joke... I don't think anyone can estimate the scale of the disaster right now. Hopelessness is total.

Yes... There's a tape on Shantsev here which they didn't dare (how would they?) put on TV, even though the GDP is present there. It's known on the Internet as "Pig fucker". Here it is:



Yes... There is a tape on Shantsev here that they dared not (why should they?) broadcast on TV, even though GDP is present there. It's known on the Internet as "piggy f...y." Here it is:



textbook, Shantsev is very pissed off, he's stuck on the back of the guarantor

"hiding behind the back", the funny thing is the size difference.

the Fsos at the meeting with the people, as usual no taller than the GovP.

VVP probably won't do it again, it's a real shame.


" ...and I've gone mad, what a shame" (c) Carlson cartoon


On the official Russian government procurement website, information has emerged about a government contract for the creation of a pilot plant for producing gold from flue gases.


" ...and I've gone mad, what a shame" (c) Carlson cartoon


On the official website of the Russian Federation dedicated to public procurement there is information about the state contract for the creation of a pilot plant for producing gold from flue gases.

Yeah. Fuck the good stuff. There's a lot of smoke out there.


And the tender's going to be won by the venture capital-innovation company Herostratus. Oh, shit. Here we go...


Nah, not venture capital and innovation. The state-owned Herostratus Corporation.