[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 253




Have these cows had their appendix removed, or is it a caesarean? ;)


the cops are on fire as usual - huyu doo doo? - which means how are you doing :)

reminiscent of a humorous joke that had similar phrases... like, ayasuka kosa atomuli yadalato, which means doubt...


(from bezdna.su):

I have been living in China for a long time. Yesterday I had a beer with a Chinese businessman who has been to Russia and Europe and the States many times. He says

- Well, how come - I drove from St. Petersburg to Moscow and the road was awful! Why was it like that?

I said.

- They steal money.

- So call a German company - they will build good roads for you.

I say...

- No, you can't, only "their" companies can build roads. As a result every year they repair the roads and embezzle money.

There is sincere incomprehension in my eyes - "Why don't you shoot them all?


I don't know about you, but at home when you flush the toilet, the water pressure in the shower decreases and it starts to boil =)

Well, here's an Alien versus Predator video on the subject.


It has been announced that the crisis is over and the movement forward begins. We rejoice that it is forwards, but fear that it is backwards.

- What is Ksenia Sobchak's job?
- The horse face of Russia!


A new edition of the beloved 4.00 Build 226 MT4 version has been released.

Stop Loss and Take Proffit parameters have been replaced by a single Stop It!

Locks are still intact.
