[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 219

Um... pardon me... should you mushroom before, after or during the reading? ;)
Instead :)
One day Don Juan lightly
in the morning after smoking a smoke,
looked in the mirror, and suddenly
there's a noodle laughing!!!
Yes, I came across one of his books once. I don't remember which one, it was a long time ago. It was all about mushrooms. Practical philosophy, so to speak.
Two translators are sitting in Sofia, translating the ninth volume.
- Listen, what is "blue scout"? - says one.
- Probably a sad pioneer, says the other.
- Or maybe it's blue pioneer?
- Nah, blue scout it is, then.
Drawing conclusions about Castaneda's writings based solely on an opinion about mushrooms is like being blindfolded and touching an object and drawing conclusions about the subject as a whole.
drknn, no offence, that was humour.
Draw conclusions about Castaneda's writings
Who did?
blindfolded to touch a subject and draw conclusions about the subject as a whole based on that.
Why not? There are techniques like that. How deep is another question, and depends on many factors.

I would like to warn those who don't know. The teachings of Don Juan, or more simply, the teachings of the Toltec "warriors of light" refer to black magic as well as to martial magic and by practising it you can pass the point of no return unnoticed.

On the subject: - full of internet - dream travel, dream transsurfing. Basically it's one of the first steps of mindfulness - waking up in a dream. One of the simple techniques should be three months for ten times a day consciously not mechanically - to repeat "all this dream" and once you in a dream it will say and wake up - then the dream will be conscious controlled and at will can not only see where the keys, but also the Tretyakov Gallery, the Louvre look....

Not necessarily in a dream. Meditative techniques. Yoga, qigong...

One need only remember that techniques that involve the subconscious mind are potentially dangerous. Physically dangerous.


All techniques concerning truth, truth, are dangerous. Only lies have no weight and are not dangerous.

How, I wonder, to separate?

There is no black and white. There is a balance. And everything is relative.