[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 190


robots, robots, robots everywhere

Best to watch from 1 min 40 sec onwards


The Cylons are advancing


Kings used to surrender half the kingdom for a horse, now an entire spy network for one iPhone!


The US State Department has accused Russia of racism and homophobia. Of the ten Russian spies arrested, not one has turned out

homosexual or African-American.


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a grandmother. The old man said to the old woman:

- Old woman said to the old woman: "Old woman, let's make a little goat, and let him build the first computer in the forest.

The old woman said to the old woman: "Old woman, let's make a colobok to build the first computer in the forest. As the goat rolls through the forest, he sees the wolf coming. And he asks him:

- What is this?

- It means that you will sit and people will feed you: with diskettes, with disks...

- I want it!" said the wolf, and became a system unit.

The wolf goes further. Suddenly he sees a fox, and he tells her:

- "Lisa, do you want to be a monitor?

- What does it mean?

- Well, it's when you look at people, peep at them, and they don't suspect anything.

- I do!" said the Fox and became a monitor.

The little piglet rolled on. A hedgehog runs across the road. He stops him and asks:

- "Hedgehog, would you like to be a keyboard?

- What's that?

- It's when people will scratch your back and stroke it every day, and you will lie down!

- I do!" said the Hedgehog and became a keyboard.

The Little Hedgehog went on his way. He sees a mouse running. He catches it and asks:

- "Mouse, do you want to be a computer mouse?

- What does it mean?

- When people take you by the scruff of the neck every day and drag you over the mat here and there.

- Fuck you, Gingerbread!!!

And that's how the first mouse got the b... b... kolobok...