Adaptive digital filters - page 14


What does the "OM" universal sound symbolise. Enlightenment.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God.

Everything through Him began to be, and without Him nothing began to be that began to be.

In him was life, and the life was the Light of men. And the Light shines in darkness, and the darkness has not embraced it...."

"AUM is the most abstract and the most concrete symbol of divinity.

The sacred word AUM unleashes the frequency of the Word, the very Word

which came out in the beginning as the source of creation. The ancients knew the power of the word.

By the power of the spoken word civilisations were erected and collapsed.

The mantras of the East, the sacred chants, have come down to us from the priests and

priests and priestesses of Lemuria hundreds of thousands of years later. And it all came from the sacred AUM."

komposter, sorry for being so blunt - I must have been in a hurry.
Yes, there is a bit ;) Nothing.

The only difference is in the construction of the forecast. If I say that the forecast should be built from the broker's price, then your team, which does not accept this price as true, says: no we will build it differently. But if both sides admit that with +\- a couple of pips accuracy these forecasts should coincide, then what are we arguing about?
Honestly, I don't know. I haven't researched this topic and I can't imagine the scale of the difference in forecasts.
That's more of a question for Prival.

I was simply expressing my agreement with the opinion expressed.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Since this is such an off-topic, I will add.
You cannot understand (realise, hear, feel, etc.)Om without having been to Tibet, India or Nepal.

As well as many other things that are distant and 'wild' to our culture.


And Zhizhilev's book is very interesting, thank you very much eire. Yesterday (also diagonally) got to about half of it, that's where the interesting stuff starts. The central section of the book is the 7th, it's real mathematics. Prival, pay special attention: there the theory of optimal control of dynamical systems, applied to financial markets. You should understand this theory too.

2 Rosh: In the same book, you will find the relationship between the ACF of a random process (ACF) and divergences, the solutions of which are realizations of ACF with exactly this ACF (forming filters). This is very interesting for generation of plausible s.p. synthetics - and seriously, not amateurishly. No mention of fractality there, by the way.

2 komposter: what's in the picture?

+1 - Especially for Prival, Rosh and the rest of mathhead.

Hello Dear Sirs. I work as a lab technician at Bishkek Technical University. I came to your forum by accident. Now I am developing a voice transmission system using QPSK-4. There is a question about development of adaptive filter. I've looked through a lot of literature, but did not get anything useful. Having scarce data (baud rate, modulation frequency, all parameters of the initial speech signal) I can not understand even the simplest principle of adaptive filtering algorithm. I would be eternally grateful for any expert help in solving this problem.


2 komposter: what's in the picture?

Just a girl. That's the thing - it's just a girl...

And Zhizhilev's book is very interesting, thank you very much eire.

You're welcome. When I read Prival, I immediately thought of Zhizhilev's book. And I, perhaps, pursued selfish ends :). I would like to see what you make of it. I myself will not be able to master this subject in the near future, I have much to recall, and even more to study.


Understand that the word adaptation implies the answer to the question of what needs to be adapted to. In radar, there are concepts such as signal (the useful component) and noise (what disturbs us). Once you understand this question, you can make adaptive filters, until you answer that question, it's not clear what you need to adapt to.

What is the problem? You can take the ZigZag"saw" as a useful component of the signal, except for the section of the last inflection. Anything that deviates from this same sawtooth can be considered noise. This is already enough to experiment with filters and evaluate their effectiveness or futility.

Exactly. If the saw is too coarse, go down the TF and build a smaller ZZ. But of course, this is just an interpretation in terms of "noise". But it is a piecewise linear interpolation.