Why does the price move? The answer is here!!! - page 28

C-4: They move the price, you can't make money in the market.

Overkill, as usual with you.

"They move the price" != "You can't make money on the market".

KimIV: Because, as a practical matter, I have long not cared where or why the price goes. I have found and continue to find statistically significant patterns, which I successfully exploit. I bought two-thirds of my car from forex. Expert Advisors based on patterns rule no matter what uncle in the office, no matter what Japanese banks intervene, no matter what fundamental data is positive or negative.

Absolutely )))) To make money on Forex you do not need to know where and why the price moves, just to pop )))). Patterns are what counts when it comes to making money ))))

Today on FORTS I have moved the offer price 3 times by one point (EDH2) )

SZS: once up 2 times down ;)


I moved 20% :))) by a thousand. You can guess where :)) it's not difficult.

The scheme isn't complicated, but it's very flimsy, you have to be on the pulse all the time and keep an eye on the other puppets.


I moved 20% :))) by a thousand. You can guess where :)) it's not difficult.

The scheme isn't complicated, but it's very flimsy, you have to be on the pulse all the time and keep an eye on the other puppets.

A thousand's a theme :) What's a thousand? )

Dollars. A small market. The entire capacity was a few tens of thousands at the time.

The whole cycle lasted about three days, raised about two hundred :)

To read you, everything is clear, the only trouble is Forex does not work by the rules of the commodity markets! may sound delusional, but imho, the liquidity of electronic money is infinite, as brokers exchange aggregate positions of clients online, I suspect that electronic conversion operations in banks are conducted without control of the real limit of currency in the bank. Well the head of the Swiss Central Bank resigned as he just guessed where the dollar would go ))))))))) http://rbctv.rbc.ru/archive/main_news/text/562949982482872.shtml

all right, but there will come a 101st person who has plans to take the whale whiskers out of the exchange in exchange for electronic chips

I just noticed your post, nice words, that is how the world economy works as I see it, it cannot be explained any better

It is impossible and unthinkable to move the price on forex as you wish, otherwise it would remain as an unrecognised big casino, while forex is recognised by all as an objective price setter. After all, if you try to change the price of the dollar, for example, you would have to revalue not only all available cash and non-cash, but also all the wealth created so far! No group of people, however monstrous they may be, can do that, as it affects the destinies of nations and whole countries. If we assume that such attempts do take place, it must be admitted that they are short-lived and that the organizers of such a show will then "realize" what they have done and return the price. Apparently, that is the case and that is why the price moves back and forth, while the "real" price will never move due to these groups of provocateurs - it itself slowly moves according to the laws of economics. They move the tail of the lioness and try to convince us that they make the lioness itself move, figuratively speaking. But it is enough to follow the movement of the tail, whether it is done by the lioness herself or by a group by means of, for example, secretly tying a string to her tail, in order to earn money. A multi-year trend is the real pattern of price movement according to the laws of economics, but you can't make much money on it, only within bank interest, I think.

How can you move the price in Forex on your own? I don't get it.

How about we make a deal - you move the price the way I want and I move the price the way you want???

Is there any way to move the price?
Is there any way to move the price?

It is possible, just not in your favour))))

Only open a minimum trade if you have REAL.

Let's say it is BUY.

Re-open the window in which we make a hand trade. Select a large lot size and place the animal cursor with the tail on the SELL button without pressing it, but so that the button's edge lights up. Allow the quoter to think for a while. Repeat the procedure once every 10 seconds. You will see that the rate goes up))))

Tip - take your hand off the mouse and do not select the size of the lot under which the button will appear, so as not to accidentally click and make a real deal.

Maybe I didn't describe it correctly, but the fact is there))))