Why does the price move? The answer is here!!! - page 26


Wrong objective statement, don't engage in self-delusion, you need to call things by their proper names:

- exchange ratewas going up (get it - you had to open SELL on the left)

- exchange ratewas falling (receipt - you should have opened BUY on the left)

HH: at tick level you can still make a decision to enter the market in the right direction based on the nearest history (last ticks), but the profit will only be equal to the spread, or even half of the spread
I understood it right away. You replied before I erased....

I also wrote on page 17 that I do not believe that the crowd creates trends, but there are trends, albeit on history

Well, I agree with you. The people who invented and organized this business will never give up the will of course formation to the whims of the crowd.
The people who invented and organised this business will never surrender the will of course formation to the whims of the crowd.
Ahem, ahem)))) Whoa! Exactly!

I have already shown this drawing in the thread about (you have seen the drawing)

My opinion, the price regulates neither sellers nor buyers.

As no money in the world is backed by anything, the amount of money is infinity.

The system that prints money does not give it away for free.

Yesterday's drop in gold and silver is a direct example

Well, I agree with you. The people who invented and organised this business will never give up the will of course formation to the whims of the crowd.
I cannot confirm what I am saying, but the temporary cyclical trends repeat, not at all according to Gann or his square (I do not believe in Gann's theory or what they write about it), but according to some combination of prime numbers, although this may be self-deception

Time generates supply and demand. The price will move in a skewed direction. Full stop.

Remember how the attempts of famous "grief traders" to pour billions into the market ended.

The market swallowed them up, changing the price only slightly.

Another thing is that interventions can affect the price significantly at one time. And even these are bought back by the market instantly.

Some people try to influence the price, sometimes it can be seen by the behavior of the price, but not all attempts are successful.

Although I do not know the exact targets of the attacks, but it is clearly visible in the candlestick drawings at the end of any periods greater than 1 minute.

There are fish, but not everyone knows how to catch them.


Remember how the attempts of famous "grief traders" to pour billions into the market ended.

It immediately reminds me of Soros :))
It reminds me of Soros :))

Soros had a lot to lose too. I am just saying. Not all of his ventures were successful.

The main thing is that he didn't leak it all :)))

Well, I agree with you. The people who invented and organised this business will never give up the will of course formation to the whims of the crowd.

And that's your conclusion after eight years of experience as a trader? It's sad. Listen to you, everything has been decided for us, and where the price will go tomorrow, is decided in the private offices of the Chosen Ones today. But this is all nonsense. Gather 100 people in one room and by the principle of supply and demand start selling whale whiskers for poker chips. After a while, the system you created will self-organize and turn into a real market with ups, downs, sudden unpredictable movements and lulls. None of your Grey Cardinals will care about your whalebone market, but it will be just as difficult to win in it as in any other market.
And this is the conclusion you came to after eight years as a trader?

Yes, and my model explains a lot to me. For example, why the price is going down in the face of positive fundamentals. Before the news was released, most analysts agreed that if such and such data was released, then we should expect an upward move to such and such a level. The data is out, everybody is buying, and the price goes down, because it is profitable for MM, because he is selling.

listen to you, everything has been decided for us, and where the price will go tomorrow is decided in the private offices of the Chosen Ones today. But this is all nonsense.

Silly perhaps, but no more silly than to think that everything is left to chance. The truth, as usual, is somewhere out there and cannot be reached...


Gather 100 people in one room and start selling whale whiskers for poker chips by the supply-demand principle. After a while the system you have created will self-organise and turn into a real market with ups, downs, sudden unpredictable movements and lulls. None of your Grey Cardinals will care about your whalebone market, but it will be just as difficult to win in it as in any other market.

If I were to organise such a market, I would certainly monitor it. I would know the total number of chips and whiskers. And by managing prices, releasing rumors and news, I would arrange a constant flow of chips to me, and the weight from me, or vice versa, the weight to me, and the chips from me and I would make a constant profit. And whoever tried to come to me with their chips or whiskers, I would have outlawed them. Doesn't that mean anything to you? Counterfeiters supposedly undermine the economy. When in fact, they're not so much undermining the economy as not wanting to share with them.