Tics: amplitude and delay distributions - page 6


I have an idea about the presentation and recording of price changes( need help writing code)...can we communicate via email, mylagent...?!!

This formula is used to obtain a normal value from a uniformly distributed variable (rnd(1)). The rest, if you need some more, you have to dig around. You really need to know the inverse function there.

By the way Northwind is right, it was just important when generating ciphers. If the noise is colored, cryptocurrencies go down.


Oh, what a beautiful formula, Prival. And tell me please, is rnd(1) called twice in the formula - or is it the same number? I suspect twice, and the formula is probably derived from a two-dimensional distribution on the plane.

Lord_Shadows, email me, it's in my profile.

rdn(1) is called twice, generates a uniform number in the interval [0,1] If rnd is good (not coloured), then it will be NZR (haus) for any agreement criterion

Lord_Shadows, write to the post office.

Sent...hope you don't laugh too hard, you're writing such formulas here that I'm just scared...

Lord_Shadows, write to the post.


Did you get my message or not...or I'll sit and wait.

Literally two pennies. For practice, not for deriving analytical solutions, it is enough to have two histograms of distributions, the initial one and the resulting one. All you need to do is to divide the range of the initial distribution into non-uniform "bars" so that you get the one you need. This is easily accomplished with a set if. Accuracy, of course, is not the highest, but in practice, it is often enough to check some ideas. We can go a bit further, find stupid approximation of original and resulting series values by high degree polynomial. This is the simplest method, based on histograms, and it is not universal and subject to "edge" effects. But, it often takes much longer to find an analytical solution, and the result is not guaranteed.

to Mathemat I understand that you haven't installed the matcad, I've been asked about this formula here. As far as I understand you couldn't miss it, you just forgot :-) 'Random Flow Theory and FOREX'
Lord_Shadows, sorry I didn't reply: I was teaching my wife to work in Word, so I wasn't busy with the forum. I've been up for a couple of seconds now, so I've been looking at the forum too. I'll answer you later.

2 Prival: I noticed that formula in the topic and was amazed with it (of course, no integrals and open-ended expressions), but something distracted me from the subject. Somewhere on the Internet I saw some more such elementary formulas, yeah. And I've only downloaded matcad by bittorrent so far, hoping to put it in. So far I've been using Maple for mathematical calculations (I needed symbolic maths). Well, I'm off to bed now...

Literally two pennies. For practice, not for deriving analytical solutions, it is enough to have two histograms of distributions, the original one and the resulting one. All you need to do is to divide the range of the initial distribution into non-uniform "bars" so that you get the one you need. This is easily accomplished with a set if. Accuracy, of course, is not the highest, but in practice, it is often enough to check some ideas. We can go a bit further, find stupid approximation of original and resulting series values by high degree polynomial. This is the simplest method, based on histograms, and it is not universal and subject to "edge" effects. But, it often takes much longer to find an analytical solution, and the result is not guaranteed.

The Kolmogorov test?