NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 76


If there are no thoughts - write your heart rate (pulse), respiratory rate in your diary...

Didn't you try to automate it ? :-)

Two buttons + lie detector. Press where the truth is.

Intelligence training, maybe someone will reach enlightenment :-) . How many levels are there until the market begins to bend :-) .

By the way, Robert Dilts, the developer of biofeedback systems, made such an attempt. The control of trader's state, whether he is worth to open or not at the moment.


If you have no thoughts - write your heart rate (pulse), breathing rate in your diary...

Didn't you try to automate it ? :-)

Two buttons + lie detector. Press where the truth is.

Intelligence training, maybe someone will reach enlightenment :-) . How many levels are there till the market starts to go down :-) .

I've tried it, that's why I recommend it. There was once a topic ...
On my instruments the condition changes very noticeably, in particular the balance on the 12 paired meridians changes. The pain threshold is reduced.
Overall picture after (even) 2 days of trading == "stock fatigue")))
A palliative solution to the problem of market pressure on personality - don't take more than your level)))
The diary is needed in order not to resort to psychic to find out your level, ie, the percentage of the deposit, which begins with the negative.


Korey, it was an idea to make up a questionnaire and take a test before work. Based on the results of the test to see whether it is worth the risk today or not. But it would be necessary to summarise the experience of several people.

По моим приборам

What kind of instruments?

On the atmanic, on which there is total emptiness and confusion. The Creator doesn't care about the vanity of vanities below, in the created. Everything is calm and under his control, and what we see is only the manifested and unreal. In short, the Matrix is at work in full force.

With the atman it is simple: for a start, find your face at a time when your parents were not yet born.


to Integer

Electroacupuncture. CGR is rubbish.

Well, you could still snap a one-pulse Kirlian, but you can't get photographic material anymore.


Yes, I agree that FOREX is predictable. But in short timeframes the rate changes in the opposite direction to the opening positions. I.e. if BUY prevails, then the exchange rate should go down! Isn't it logical? :)

... the opposite direction to the opening positions... Whose positions?

I didn't say forex is predictable. I have the opposite position and all my attempts to make predictions lead nowhere, but that does not mean that you cannot make money :-) It's even easier to make money than to lose.

Korey 10.06.2008 11:23
FOREX is a market of interests

One of the keys to understanding. I would also add 'expectations'.

To Xadviser

Overbought interests, oversold works!


Yes, I agree that FOREX is predictable. But in short timeframes the rate changes in the opposite direction to the opening positions. I.e. if BUY prevails, the exchange rate should go down! Isn't it logical? :)

... the opposite direction to the opening positions... Whose positions?

On one side of the Cb, on the other side of the others.

If you add up all SELL and BUY orders (for all quoted pairs), it appears that some currencies are in surplus (to be discarded), and some are in short supply (demand for them). The Central Bank buys the surplus and satisfies the increased demand. If the Central Bank buys currency, it strengthens it. And the Central Bank buys when there is a prevailing sales demand. So it turns out that when the majority becomes SELL on some currency (namely on a currency, not on a currency pair), and these requests are satisfied, the price of the currency goes up.


Yes, I agree that FOREX is predictable. But in short timeframes the rate changes in the opposite direction to the opening positions. I.e. if BUY prevails, the exchange rate should go down! Isn't it logical? :)

I did not say that Forex is predictable. I have the opposite position. All attempts to make forecasts lead to nothing, but that does not mean that you cannot earn :-) It's even easier to earn than to lose.

I did not say "predictable" but "predictable" is what you can earn on. Even if it is not always predictable, but on short time intervals, it is on them that you can make a profit.

Korey 10.06.2008 11:23

FOREX is a market of interests

One of the keys to understanding. I would also add "expectations".

FOREX is a "market of expectations" only for speculators; for other participants it is part of their regular business activity.


So it turns out that when most become SELL on some currency (namely a currency, not a currency pair), and those bids are satisfied, the price of the currency goes up.

Plagiarism! There was a genius on here already, who has latched onto this Nobel Prize-worthy idea - "when everyone starts selling, the price goes up".

Bids to sell/buy are always satisfied - it's called liquidity.