Using artificial intelligence at MTS - page 11


Cockroach is also the wrong way round, it's tied up like everything else in our world, our three-dimensional WORLD, or N-dimensional - that's not the point.

I thought about that sentence for about ten minutes. I did not understand it. Like it is not necessary to use NS, because it is bounded as everything in our world, by our three-dimensional WORLD, or N-dimensional. Right?
njel wrote (a):
Cockroach is also the wrong way round, it's tied up like everything else in our world, our three-dimensional WORLD, or N-dimensional - that's not the point.

I pondered that sentence for about ten minutes. I did not understand it. Like it is not necessary to use NS, because it is bounded as everything in our world, by our three-dimensional WORLD, or N-dimensional. Right?

Everything in nature PROVEN and NOT PROVEN contains an invisible SOURCE of the OBJECT.

The OBJECT - you can either exploit it, or with your approaches in exploiting it - drive wedges into it = from mathematics, theories, algorithms, indicators, images, descriptions of forex or economics or the WORLD, ........ All of these wedges are the RESULT of the object, and they end up in T/R . Yes, It's a different worldview. But THIS is neither better nor worse - it gives you a CHANCE that you yourself will create a distance to SUBJECTIVITY, so that it - will not bring you down into errors. The world of error is unknowable to scientists. OTHERWISE - I would have found somewhere a statement like = FACT - OBJECTIVE IS NOT ERROR. HOWEVER, I CANNOT SEE such a statement... ;) All this is my answer to your question about whether or not to use NS.

People have invented many things that are a tool for some people and a tool for others to crack nuts with their laptops. The NS is like that - on the one hand a GENICAL creation, on the other hand - give it to them and they will crack nuts with it.


If it's no secret, it's very interesting to know how an excellent knowledge of philosophy can be applied in relation to forex? Could usdeur give at least some more specific hints about his strategy to be programmed? After all, we are talking about creating an "EXPERT". And using the author's terminology EXPERT is just a set of some conditions and calculation formulas, isn't it? How can the "invisible SOURCE of the OBJECTIVE" be driven by "wedges" into the EXPERT and still be able to "exploit" the "OBJECT" itself? Especially since the "error world" has not yet been "realised" by scientists, then how to work with this world in Forex? Or, may creation of an "EXPERT" mean creation of a special random number generator, from which a trader, having previously driven himself by meditations into a state close to absolute "OBJECTIVITY", will be able to determine what he should do to get a positive "RESULT"?

Everything in nature, both the REPRESENTED and the UNREPRESENTED, contains the invisible SOURCE of the OBJECT.

The OBJECT can either be exploited, or one can drive wedges into it with one's approaches to exploitation = from mathematics, theories, algorithms, indicators, images, descriptions of forex or economics or the WORLD, ........ All of these wedges are the RESULT of the object, and they end up in T/R . Yes, It's a different worldview. But THIS is neither better nor worse - it gives you a CHANCE that you yourself will create a distance to SUBJECTIVITY, so that it - will not bring you down into errors. The world of error is unknowable to scientists. OTHERWISE - I would have found somewhere a statement like = FACT - OBJECTIVE IS NOT ERROR. HOWEVER, I CANNOT SEE such a statement... ;) All this is my answer to your question on whether to APPLY or NOT to APPLY NS.
I apologise for being tactless, but it seems to me that you are being a bit ... you are explaining a concept to me in "human language" and telling me that it cannot be described by mathematics?

(TOTALLY - the entities I prefer are those without space and without time. I.e. there are many such entities, but I won't write about that here).

Usdeur, I also like to philosophize sometimes. Name at least one such entity without space or time that can be realistically applied to Foreh and produce a steady, real profit.

And I know several such entities (e.g. God, spirit, truth and other things called statics in Scientology), but I have not the slightest idea about their application to the Foreh type information universe.
There are a lot of philosophers with cockroaches in their heads.
solandr писал (а):

If it's no secret, it's very interesting to know how an excellent knowledge of philosophy can be applied in relation to forex? Could usdeur give at least some more specific hints about his strategy to be programmed? After all, we are talking about creating an "EXPERT". And using the author's terminology EXPERT is just a set of some conditions and calculation formulas, isn't it? How can the "invisible SOURCE of the OBJECTIVE" be driven by "wedges" into the EXPERT and still be able to "exploit" the "OBJECT" itself? Especially since the "error world" has not yet been "realised" by scientists, then how to work with this world in Forex? Or, may creation of an "EXPERT" mean creation of a special random number generator, from which a trader, having previously driven himself by meditations into a state close to absolute "OBJECTIVITY", will be able to determine what he should do to get a positive "RESULT"?

THANK YOU - for the fact that there are people who understand me from a half-word. But that's not enough - you MUST also understand the essence - and not transfer it to philosophy or to personality.

It means that to your elementary questions the answers are also elementary - not water. MORE so, humanity has accumulated a LOT of them.And the word Philosophy, water, do not correspond to FOLLOWING the right ANSWER. They are like a red rag. Only discouraged to give these answers here. The growth of DOGM, the noise - Who needs it? That's what the world of ILLUSIONS is doing to our perception of the WORLD. No problem, the Gist is there - that's what I was talking about. There are labels attached to it... Look above - there are dozens of them. And the point is where. Ohhhh - if it's not - all of you, you'll get closer to understanding what you have in common with FOREX. FOREX IS OBJECTIVE. And even in this form, doesn't VERY much want to encourage subjectivism. there are a bunch of PRINCIPLES. USE. It's not like you refuted what I said. You have given questions - and good ones at that. They are the answer. There is no room for objection, you just need to live with and take advantage of these PRINCIPLE OPPORTUNITIES.
Compare the DIFFERENCES in the statements - the TRUTH will be in the middle. The rest is in the SOURCE = SPRINTED in the depths of STYLES.That's where any essence is 1000 and 10000000 times greater. For there, all the islands are connected into one unified WHOLE. And everything is in a condensed state, and of the highest purity - the PROBAB. And everything is unadulterated and unadulterated - take it and exploit it, which many have long since learned to do. As I am doing right now....
For more information, send me an email
Reshetov писал (а):
There are a lot of philosophers with cockroaches in their heads.

If he had named it simply, like "Reshetoff_5f2Gh4w_4t37.mq4" without any AI tricks, everything would have been much easier. Now try to getusdeur to give a master class on the direct application of the philosophy of the unrevealed to the manifested Foreh...
njel писал (а):
Everything in nature, both the REPRESENTED and the UNREPRESENTED, contains the invisible SOURCE of the OBJECT.

The OBJECT can either be exploited, or one can drive wedges into it with one's approaches to exploitation = from mathematics, theories, algorithms, indicators, images, descriptions of forex or economics or the WORLD, ........ All of these wedges are the RESULT of the object, and they end up in T/R . Yes, It's a different worldview. But THIS is neither better nor worse - it gives you a CHANCE that you yourself will create a distance to SUBJECTIVITY, so that it - will not bring you down into errors. The world of error is unknowable to scientists. OTHERWISE - I would have found somewhere a statement like = FACT - OBJECTIVE IS NOT ERROR. HOWEVER, I CANNOT SEE such a statement... ;) All this is my answer to your question about whether or not to use NS.
I apologise for being tactless, but it seems to me that you are being a bit ... you are explaining a concept to me in "human language" and telling me that it cannot be described by mathematics?

Any description of the WORLD - EINSTEIN - would agree with this statement: Opinions, feelings, research results, of the Higher Principles of the UNIVERSE (descriptions of the Laws of the Universe) - are not only MENTIONABLE, but they are also subjective. And it is a FACT - the Descriptions made, even by geniuses, and even with formulas, like it or not, are SUBJECTIVE. Including Einstein's own formulas, for they contain the concept of time...