Using artificial intelligence at MTS - page 10

These examples are the TRUTH IN THE LAST INSTANCE = (IF PRACTICE IS THE TRUTH CRITERIUM!) and in the LIGHT of this TRUTH, and one must tread the PATH, with PRINCIPLE new approaches in writing EXPERT - the PATH to lossless TRADE.

Who's with me ?
Already a religious sect has emerged.
Itso wrote (a):
Already a religious sect has emerged.

If anyone believes or does not believe, it is a SECTA.

And if someone does not understand the difference between DOGMs and PRINCIPLES, or TRUTH and TRUTH.

THEN the words, EXAMPLE, PRACTICE, PRINCIPLES, OBJECT, WHOLE, PRIVATE are not understandable either,
then.... it's too late to do anything about it.


OK, usdeur, I'm with you. Give us a "for idiots" level masterclass on separating the subject from the object in Foreh.

you can buy one from a honda, aibo, and harness it to sit at the terminal :) Booga ga ga... Assuming it doesn't have a neural network. Booga ga ga. Or Sony's baby :)
there's no point in this topic at all. The maximum neural network that can be created is a human neural network. That's just a crude way of putting it. Don't get hung up on words. Considering that not every trader is stable in the market of ouds using their natural biological NS, putting hopes on even nonrecursive NS of three layers of 5 neurons.... damn.

I'll give you a better analogy ...

glue a cockroach to a table with superglue and put pins on its legs... like bye/seat, booga ga ga... I'm sorry, guys. I can't help it.

That's it. I'm shutting up. E.I.-.... hee...
njel писал (а):

glue a cockroach to the table with superglue, and put pins on its legs... like bye/seat, booga ga ga... I'm sorry, guys. I can't help it.

)))) This is interesting!!! I'll have to give it a try.
Integer писал (а):
njel wrote (a):

glue a cockroach to the table with super glue, and put pins on its paws... like bye/seat, booga ga ga... sorry guys. i can't help myself.

)))) That's interesting!!! I'll have to give it a try.

Although said in jest, the idea is worth considering. If we place a cockroach neural network in front of a screen with contacts on its legs which allow it to give buy/settle commands and give it sugar for profitable commands, and electric shock for unprofitable ones, the cockroach neural network will soon begin to recognize patterns leading to profitable trades (i.e. sugar).Since the cockroach is a very living creature capable of adapting to almost any conditions of existence, its neuronet is very suitable for trading in Forex. If there are no cockroaches in the flat, you may as well use mice or rats or even an alcoholic neighbour, only in case of successful transactions it should not be given sugar but something stronger.
gpwr писал (а):
Although said in jest, the idea is worth considering. A cockroach neural network would be more complex than the one proposed by Reshetov. If we put a cockroach in front of a screen with contacts on its legs allowing it to give buy/settle commands and give it sugar for profitable commands and electric shock for unprofitable ones, the cockroach neural network will soon begin to recognize patterns leading to profitable trades (i.e. sugar). Since the cockroach is a very living creature capable of adapting to almost any conditions of existence, its neuronet is very suitable for trading in Forex. If there are no cockroaches in the flat, you may as well use mice or rats or even an alcoholic neighbour, only in case of successful transactions it should not be given sugar but something stronger.

Before you speak and use words like "SEKTA", to idiots"... Maybe it would be easier to make an agreement and not be in a hurry to use words like "DOGMA"?

The cockroach is not that way either, it is bound as well as everything in our world, our three-dimensional WORLD, or N-dimensional, - it is not the essence.

The point is that only the multidimensionality of the OBJECTIVE, is able to be a competitor, a favourite, and when choosing a path, imposed by the expert. (For - the objective - is incapable of sin and error! Is it necessary to prove it?) Where as a result of such actions with ERRORS - tending to zero - will exploit both the model and the PRINCIPLE inherent in the expert. This is what both classics and HEIs think little about - so they are sowing DOGMAS with their mathematics. Such PRACTICE - and becomes like the TRUTH IN THE LAST INSTANCE = (IF PRACTICE IS THE TRUTH CRITERIUM!) and in the LIGHT of this TRUTH, and one should have the PATH, with PRINCIPLE new approaches in writing the EXPERT - the PATH to lossless TRADE. The essence of such trade - without DOGM, for those who have not understood it - means the RELIGIOUSNESS of the SECRET, and that is normal... and for those who have understood me, this is already the basis, and education, for discarding all those FUNCTIONS of EXPERT, where there is an analysis of space or time, or external and faraway panoramic charts, with their history, or flat images of our THINGS (TO the point - such THINGS, which I PROVIDE - are without space and without time. I.e. - there are many such entities, but I won't write about that here). ... I did not say that the expert has to be without indicators, and without these functions - the matter is how you use their PREDICTIONS and errors. I.e. do you add a lot of them.

Personally - these issues are both simple and obvious to me.
But.... as I too am in need of like-minded people, it is clear that they are not screamers.
Keep on scolding if it makes you feel better.

It's a pity for your time and mine - wasted on bickering.