MetaEditor build 1463 - page 9

Vladimir Karputov:
I do not know the exact address, but you should look in the topicList of changes in MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds.
I look there all the time, but there is no new information after the publication about introducing class templates
I look there all the time, but there is no new information after the publication about introducing class templates

Yes, it's actually been a year now. They have long been promising function templates in a full-fledged form, without binding to arguments. Of course, specialization for classes is lacking.

Well, at least the new build has improved description of errors in templates and now substituted types are specified. I feel relieved at once. I had to abandon templates in favor of macros at times previously not to have to go through the whole code fragment by fragments looking for a problematic type.

It's good that templates are being extended, but what extensions have been introduced this year, where can I read about them? And still typedef and class typing for templates would be nice to see, without them some things look a bit rough.

MQL5: To facilitate organization of event patterns, added support for pointers to functions.

To declare a pointer to a function, define type "pointer to function", e.g:

typedef int (*TFunc)(int,int);
TFunc is now a type and you can declare a pointer variable to a function:
TFunc func_ptr;
You can store the address of a function in the func_ptr variable so that you can call it later:
int sub(int x,int y) { return(x-y); }
int add(int x,int y) { return(x+y); }
int neg(int x)       { return(~x);  }



func_ptr=neg;           // ошибка: neg не имеет тип  int (int,int)
Print(func_ptr(10));    // ошибка: должно быть два параметра
Pointers to functions can be stored and passed as a parameter. You cannot get a pointer to a non-static method of a class.
Список изменений в билдах MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
Список изменений в билдах MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal
Автоматическое обновление доступно через систему LiveUpdate:.
Renat Fatkhullin:

Yes, now the idea is clear.

It's been asking for a long time and we will make an additional master report that drains not only orders with trades, but also cleared trades (that's where the horror is).

We just need to get our act together.

If we do it only for Hedge accounts, we will only be stuck with closeby-history.

No .log files are displayed in the \Logs folder of the Navigator (menu 'Show all files' - pressed). Whereas in the \Files folder, files with a contextual extension (e.g. .txt) are displayed

It is not reproducible head-on. More details are needed. What OS, bit rate ?
Renat Fatkhullin:

Yes, there is a problem specifically on AMD processors (all is ok on Intel). We will issue an update on Monday morning.

Sorry about that, please. We missed it and luckily it's a test beta to run-in on our demo.

As a solution, put the official build on top of the beta. All data will be saved.

Can you please tell me if the update is already out or should we keep waiting?


as long as the update is silent

I had to lock the ...AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes folder and roll back to version 1455, otherwise nothing works at all for me (using 32bit dll)
Vladislav Andruschenko:

no update yet

Let's wait....


To modify a position on a net account, it is sufficient to specify a position symbol in the query so that the corresponding symbol position is modified. The position ticket can be omitted.

However, if the symbol is not specified and only the position ticket (which unambiguously characterises the symbol) is specified, OrderSend returns [Invalid request]. Is it a bug?