Why is trading without stop-loss considered absurd for many! - page 20

Olexiy Polyakov:

Never drawing trend lines, that's nonsense!

A trend is a directional movement of price. You won't describe it with any lines!

Charts have two axes "X" and "Y" and drawing curves on them is the lot of amateurs!

There is a price level - the HORIZONTAL LINE!!!

All that triangle stuff, trend lines and other nonsense is just for beginners who have this useless knowledge drummed into their heads, instead of just teaching them to understand the causes of trends and reversal principles!

They do not know how to make money in the markets and in life, as long as they do it. As I have friends, although they are likely to be lucky, they do not know anything in the markets except how to place a lot and close an order and they make good money. This is the same as when I tell people who are engaged in business that reading books about business is a bit rubbish, because personal experience is personal, no one has experienced such situations, and he laughs in response and says "I do as in the book, or live by the book" and then when he loses everything, which of course is not described in books, he does not know what to do, while rich people go through ruin in one way, suicide.
The same is here, it does not matter what a person uses, the main thing is to get what he wants.
Oxana Tambur:
If you do not know how to make money in the markets or in life, the main thing is to make money. I have many friends, though they are likely to be lucky, they know nothing about markets except how to place a lot and close an order and so they make good money. This is the same as when I tell people who are engaged in business that reading books about business is a bit rubbish, because personal experience is personal, no one has experienced such situations, and he laughs in response and says "I do as in the book, or live by the book", and then when he loses everything, which of course is not described in books, he does not know what to do, while rich people go through ruin in one way, suicide.
The same is here, it does not matter what a person uses, the main thing is to get what he wants.

I agree. Some can't make any money with abstruse mathematical theories, and some have enough MA. It has been noted that Cs and hooligans sometimes make good businessmen, and excellent students make mediocre engineers.

So, to believe that there is only one correct way to trade, and that all other ways are wrong is foolish.


I agree. Some can't make any money with abstruse mathematical theories, and some have enough MA. It has been noted that Cs and hooligans sometimes make good businessmen, and excellent students make mediocre engineers.

So to think that there is only one correct way to trade and that all other ways are wrong is foolish.

Yes, because otlichnikov were taught one thing, to live by the book, and as you know, Losers or trash are always looking for ways to how to copy from someone, how to do this or that, so they do not know since childhood, so to speak, learn to think with their own brains, not other people's.

I don't want to argue with anyone. But I have tested and created so many strategies. And I can say with 90% certainty that without a stop-loss system, sooner or later it will sell out.

That's why investors don't like them. That's why signals with a one-year history but with floating drawdowns do not and will not have subscribers.

Oxana Tambur:
I am a trader since 2012 and since I entered the market I have been trading without stop-losses till now. Most beginners and market amateurs write that it is all nonsense and only some professionals say that such strategy "has a place to be and live".
I would like to hear the opinion of other people who know about the markets, trading, analytics, etc.
I ask newbies and those who think they know everything not to write nonsense and rubbish.
Do you have a point - all or nothing? Or when a drawdown reaches 20%, for example, a loss is fixed (at market price)? If so, it makes sense to discuss trading without stoploss. Otherwise it is just a game, you might as well play in a slot machine or in a casino. A few years is not an indicator, if the risk is the entire deposit. Well, the deposit is multiplied by 1000 times, and then you lose it all, and a few years are wasted because stops are "for suckers") )) What is the point? You can get adrenaline in other ways.
Anton Zverev:

I don't want to argue with anyone. But I have tested and created so many strategies. And I can say with 90% certainty that without a stop-loss system, sooner or later it will sell out.

That's why investors don't like them. That is why signals with a one-year history but with floating drawdowns do not and will not have subscribers.

Why do people like to talk about something they don't know or are not sure about, but they assert it with 100% confidence)) sometimes, honestly, it's funny when people talk about something they do not know, no offence, lol
Who needs investors when you're your own investor? I don't think that's the question at all!
Sergey Basov:
Is your point all or nothing? Or when a drawdown reaches 20%, for example, a loss is recorded (at market price)? If so, it makes sense to discuss trading without stoploss. Otherwise it is just a game, you might as well play in a slot machine or in a casino. A few years is not an indicator, if the risk is the entire deposit. Well, the deposit is multiplied by 1000 times, and then you lose it all, and a few years are wasted because stops are "for suckers") )) What is the point? The adrenaline can be obtained in other ways.
I see my post the moderator deleted, so it does not fit the criteria for the topic, so alas, I can not respond to your message, as it does not fit the branch.
Oxana Tambur:
Again, I do not earn from what I trade on my accounts, there are more interesting and profitable income than those 100-150% per annum from trading (no matter what amount), so you can call it a game, a hobby, mania or something else. Yes a few years in the market is not an indicator, if you take it as a whole, but if you take my age into account, then it will be a few more years, and a few more years and so on, but we do not live forever, because the point is not to lose money or not, the point is to repay, increase, withdraw and earn and then what happens, people die, like strategies, nothing lasts forever.
And I personally have never written that the stops are for those for whom you called "lo...mi".
My trading is not that simple, for those who earn from trading, to earn and withdraw, or to increase their depot in order to earn more and withdraw, I have a different meaning, that's the difference.
For me trading is a kind of pleasure.
I understand you. It is good that trading is a pleasure for you, and the main income comes from other sources. If trading was your main source of income, there would probably be no such a thing as trading without stoploss.
Sergey Basov:
I see your point. It's good that trading is a pleasure for you, and your main income comes from other sources. If trading was your main source of income, there probably wouldn't be a thread about trading without stoploss.
As you can see, the account is alive anyway... Even if I was withdrawing profit from it, and to be honest, make trading the main and only source of income, then what to do next, to sit at home, not working anywhere and degrade? Where there is a good income from profits and it's the only income, you devote to the market not for an hour or two a day, but much more
Oxana Tambur:
As you can see, the account is alive anyway... Even if I were to withdraw profit from it, and to be honest, to make trading my main and only source of income, what next, to sit at home, work nowhere and degrade? If you have good income from profits, you devote much more time to the market than an hour or two a day.

You don't have to stay at home 24 hours a day and look at quotations in the monitor, and you do not have to degrade yourself. There is such a wonderful thing as MQL, which greatly simplifies a trader's life (if a trader is a programmer, then double it). And there are mobile phones and tablets just in case.