Why is trading without stop-loss considered absurd for many! - page 27

Oxana Tambur:
Illegal? What do you mean? You must have misread or misunderstood something. I do not have an open brokerage company resident in Moldova.

This is how 'co-owners of brokerage companies' with 'direct access' to the NYSE are deflated....

That's it, gone crying!


This is how "co-owners of brokerage companies" with "direct access" to the NYSE are deflated....

That's it, gone to cry!

You people don't seem to know what "resident" and "non-resident" are, read on. thanks, been doing this since 2012, not deflated yet, but thanks for predicting the future!
And good prosperity to you in this harsh country.

One more off-topic post, I'm directly asking the moderator for a ban.

If you want to communicate, feel free to create a thread on the topic and argue, get smart, show off however anyone wants.

Right now I am only interested in posts on the topic.
Good luck, everyone.

Oxana Tambur:
We are owners, or co-owners or whatever it is called of one of the brokers, and when you have that authority, there is access to any market
Explain how a stop loss will be handled at the brokerage house you co-own?
Oxana Tambur:

One more post off-topic, I'm directly asking the moderator for a ban.

What ban?

Okay, seriously, we're wiping decades of forex dust off our monitors here too.
Anyway. There is a thing called "shock". But it (or she) happens really bad, and quite often.
Here is an example on the subject.

There are traders who trade without stops (and some of them even recruit to their studies).
So, more to the point, after this "shock" one part of these traders "disappeared" and those who survived began to put stops, forgetting about their theory.

Maksim Levashov:
Have you seen the execution of the stops on a spike like this?
2 years without stop = flight normal !
Maksim Levashov:

What bathhouse?

OK, seriously, we're wiping decades of forex dust off our monitors here too.
Anyway. There is a thing called "shock". But it (or she) happens really bad, and quite often.
Here is an example on the subject.

There are traders who trade without stops (and some of them even recruit to their studies).
So, more to the point, after this "shock" one part of these traders "disappeared" and those who survived began to put stops, forgetting about their theory.

Let them forget, it's their right!!!

Maksim Levashov:

What bathhouse?

Okay, seriously, we're wiping decades of forex dust off our monitors here too.
Anyway. There is such a thing called a "shock". But it (or she) happens really bad, and quite often.
Here is an example on the subject.

There are traders who trade without stops (and some of them even recruit to their studies).
So, more to the point, after this "shock" one part of these traders "disappeared" and those who survived started to place stops, forgetting about their theory.

What's the bathhouse got to do with it?!


I traded without stops and flew feet first into the lard) but with stops it was often thrown out before