Table of all trades. Accessed via MQL5 - page 8

If you have time to do it today before the evening trading session closes, I will try. Please let me know.

On Friday, as a rule, the update is released almost at midnight - generally when the markets are closed :(

You can see the update yourself - just connect to MetaQuotes-Demo server from time to time.

Karputov Vladimir:

On Friday, as a rule, the update is released almost at midnight - generally when the markets are closed :(

You can see the update yourself - just connect to the MetaQuotes-Demo server from time to time.

It was released early today. On the 1430 on the weak market this problem is not detected

Renat Fatkhullin:

Also they corrected a bug with sorting of last ticks there.


Can you tell me how to write an indicator-histogram, which would display the value of the number of ticks (transactions) in the bar from the selected TF? TF of 1 minute is ok.

Just under the bar the value of ticks in (deals) passed in this bar


Can you tell me how to write an indicator-histogram, which would display the value of the number of ticks (transactions) in the bar from the selected TF? TF of 1 minute is ok.

Just under the bar the value of ticks in (deals) passed in this bar
Тиковый индикатор Ticks
Тиковый индикатор Ticks
  • votes: 22
  • 2016.10.14
  • fxsaber
Показывает тиковую ценовую историю (Bid/Ask) внутри всех видимых баров.

Can you tell me how to write an indicator-histogram, which would display the value of the number of ticks (transactions) in the bar from the selected TF? TF of 1 minute is ok.

Just under the bar the value of ticks in (deals) passed in this bar
Загадочный биржевой индикатор
Загадочный биржевой индикатор
Ниже приведен сильно упрощенный (ООП полностью отсутствует) индикатор, который показывает проторгованный оборот на основании тиковой биржевой истор...
I would have found the error and optimised the work.

How do I make the lines not return to zero, but to the opposite side of the transaction? If I were a programmer, I would have done it myself.


How do I make the lines not return to zero, but to the opposite side of the transaction? If I were a programmer I would have done it myself.

It's called "Cumulative Delta". I want to do it myself. I've been working on this for a while now, and I'm switching to MT5. Now I'm switching over to MT5.

Can you tell me how to write an indicator-histogram, which would display the value of the number of ticks (transactions) in the bar from the selected TF? TF of 1 minute is ok.

Just under the bar the value of ticks in (deals) passed in this bar

Ticks or deals?
Ticks or trades?
Or volume?

New version of the indicator (1.04)

Total trades and volumes are calculated between bars
