Making a crowdsourced project on Canvas - page 15

Реter Konow:


The bigger the window and the more detail in it, the longer it will take(approximately 250 milliseconds to 2 seconds).


What are those numbers? Where did you get them from?
Anatoli Kazharski:
Read from this post(link) and look at the gif animation examples there too.
Had a look. Short gif and can't draw any conclusions about the implementation. It's quite possible that the picture is stored in an array (buffer) and therefore reacts quickly. do you know anything about it?
Anatoli Kazharski:
What are these numbers? Where did you get them from?
They are pure and unbiased practice, believe me. )) And on a daily basis.
In addition, the gif itself compresses the time between frames. Therefore, it is not a good idea to judge the response speed of an interface by it.
Реter Konow:
It's pure and unbiased practice, believe me. )) And on a daily basis.
When there will be files for tests, then I will believe it. But at the moment I see only chatter. )
Anatoli Kazharski:
When the test files are available, then I'll believe it. But for now, all I see is chatter. )

You won't have to wait long. ))

Please don't call my opinion "chatter". I'm based on real experiments with almost ready-made technology. You may not believe, but be tactful, please. Thank you.

Реter Konow:

You won't have to wait long. ))

Please don't call my opinion "chatter". I am coming from real experiences with almost ready-made technology. You may not believe it, but please be tactful. Thank you.

That's exactly the chatter. But let's continue when there is something to back up what you are saying, as is customary in a technical forum, which is as tactful as possible in discussions on such topics. Especially when you cite, some figures. )
Anatoli Kazharski:
That's exactly the chatter. But let's continue when there is something to back up your words, as is customary in a technical forum, which is as tactful as possible in discussions on such topics. Especially when you cite, some figures. )

This method of talking to you is already familiar to me. At the end of the day, everything I show you will be seen as advertising by the moderators and I will be banned again.

I can not show you anything here, but when I will put on my page, I'll send you an invitation to see it in person.

I can't confirm the figures I have given here. I will have to post a video and a bunch of other explanations and codes. As you know, I program in Russian and this is not used to anyone. The approach is totally different too. In general, I am getting tired of explaining everything and I won't be understood to the end anyway.

It turns out like in a fairy tale - "believe it or not...").

Реter Konow:

I am already familiar with this method of talking to you. In the end, all that I will show you will be regarded as advertising by the moderators and I will be banned again. Obviously you are pushing me to do this.

I can't show you anything here, but when I post it on my page, I'll send you an invitation to look in your personal account.

I can't confirm the figures I have given here. As you know, I am programming in Russian and this is not familiar to anyone. The approach is totally different too. In general, I am getting tired of explaining everything and I won't be understood to the end anyway.

It turns out like in a fairy tale - "believe it or not...").

In order to prove the figures you have cited, a short sample code that can be compiled and tested on a terminal chart is sufficient. If you have voiced them so easily, it means that you have a code which you can make into the right form in the shortest possible time, as other participants do. Let it be in Russian, no big deal. It is just interesting to understand what you have there so long calculation and drawing takes up to two seconds.

Anatoli Kazharski:

In order to prove the figures you have cited, a short sample code that can be compiled and tested on a terminal chart is sufficient. If you have voiced them so easily, it means that you have a code which you can make into the right form in the shortest possible time, as other participants do. Let it be in Russian, no big deal. It's just interesting to understand what you have there so long calculated and drawn, that even up to two seconds.

Look - my program is not a set of classes which can be disassembled and passed to each other. It's a whole mechanism. You can only understand it if you see the whole mechanism. Separate fragments won't tell you anything. I can lay out some of the functions. You can have a look, but I assure you - it won't tell you anything. (But I will post it tomorrow to make sure).

It takes too long because you have a lot of details in the window. Before you call ResourceCreate(), you have to "draw" the window in the array. Create a numeric mask.

Now I'm using a local one-dimensional array for this, which is sent to ResourceCreate() after being filled with a numeric mask.

It's a long process to digitize the mask and initialize the array with it. As the array is local, the mask is not saved, which means that it has to be recreated on interface events. Therefore, the pause is repeated, resulting in a sluggish response.

If you remember the window's mask and change only the required pattern of this mask in the array, you will save an enormous amount of time. You can pass the array with the mask to ResourceCreate() almost immediately.