Installing the terminal in Windows 10 - page 6

Alexey Volchanskiy:
It's longer, I'm asleep.
I don't sleep at all.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Long, I use sleeper,

click and go clean the teeth ))

One click of a button and any selected action.
Don't even need to touch the mouse)
Sergey Basov:

No, not that one. It's easier to look at both at once in "Computer Management". (If you're not familiar with it, you can open it like this: right-click the computer icon on your desktop -> Manage. Or PC Start -> Computer Management. Or Control Panel -> Administration -> Computer Management. Or Windows + R and type "compmgmt.msc". Whatever is more convenient, there are many ways).

It looks like this (this is from Windows 7, but it's the same in 10):

This one is suspicious in the second screenshot:

There are errors.

And the driver, not known and not updated.

one press of a button and any selected action.
You don't even need to touch the mouse.)
I've set it up this way - no use.
Ibragim Dzhanaev:

There are errors.

And the driver, not known and not updated.

Have you tried searching for the driver by ID?

In any case the driver can be found on

Ibragim Dzhanaev:
I've set it up this way and it's no use.
The reason for the computer going into and out of sleep mode is
If the property of, for example, a mouse, keyboard or other device is set to
"Allow this device to wake the computer from hibernation" is checked.
Check all

The reason why the computer may enter and exit hibernation mode is because
If the property of e.g. the mouse, keyboard or other device is set to
"Allow this device to wake up the computer.
Check all

Found such a mode here, turned it on, doesn't help. There is no such option on the other devices.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Have you tried searching for the driver by ID?

In any case the driver can be found on

It's not clear what it's for.
This must be where the problem is?
Ibragim Dzhanaev:
This must be where the problem is?

This is the most likely problem if "ACPI" is written in the unknown device info. There are also a lot of atapi and disk errors in the logs, this is not good.

If you have a normal computer, install the motherboard drivers - better look at the motherboard manufacturer's website.

If you have a laptop, you can install all the drivers in order, for that model of laptop. Or first select something similar to "chipset" by the driver name. It is best to search on the laptop manufacturer's website.

There should be no unknown devices in the device manager and not so many errors in the logs. Then sleep and hibernation can be dealt with.