To the wheel or the cry of the soul ... Withdrawal systems in MQL5 - page 21

Alexandr Saprykin:
and what's stopping you from getting a separate SIM for kiwi?
It's inconvenient.
Artyom Trishkin:

Of course. Russia is such a small country that the interests of those who live there may not be taken into account. Except that, looking at the sales statistics, most of the buyers are Russians. They are the ones who bring in the most revenue for the company itself. But their interests may not be taken into account. And the fact that they now have to draw a conclusion just "through the glands" does not bother anyone.

I'm in favour of JD. I'm sick of losing a huge amount of money on withdrawals.

This is sheer nonsense. The Russian segment accounts for only 3-7% of total sales. Targeting their sales at Russians is economic suicide. Besides, the Russian users themselves, before they buy something, will ask 1000 questions, and if you answer them beautifully and thoroughly, they will say "Thank you. I'll think about it" and they won't buy anything.

So you should immediately throw Russian "potential buyers" out the door. They'll never buy anything anyway, but they'll wear out your nerves.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

This is utter nonsense. The Russian segment accounts for only 3-7% of total sales. It is economic suicide to target your sales at Russians. Moreover, Russian users themselves, before they buy anything, will ask 1,000 questions, and if you answer them nicely and thoroughly, they will say "Thank you. I'll think about it" and they won't buy anything.

So you should immediately throw Russian "potential buyers" out the door. They will never buy anything in any case, but they will wear out your nerves.

I agree with you 100%.
Artyom Trishkin:
Andrew, that's what we have to do now. I'm just wondering - why for everyone but us? And when we ask them to equalise our rights by adding a system for us, those who are already doing well in terms of output suddenly become strongly against anyone else doing well as well. Why is that? Would it bother you personally? And you can ask this question to anyone who is not a resident of Russia and who has spoken out against it.
Introducing alternative Russian (I stress that word) systems is upwards of stupidity and recklessness. The RF Central Bank is now tightening the screws. It is shutting down the circulation of currency in the country and slowly closing off opportunities to withdraw from electronic funds. It is only going to get worse. The only way out is to obtain a foreign bank card or a foreign payment system like ePayments.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
Introducing alternative Russian (I stress that word) systems is upwards of stupidity and recklessness. The Russian Central Bank is now tightening the screws. It is shutting down the circulation of currency in the country and slowly closing off withdrawals from electronic funds. It is only going to get worse. The only way out is to issue a foreign bank card or a foreign payment system like ePayments.
An example to my post: just two weeks ago, you could withdraw dollars from ePayments to a Russian bank card. Now you can only withdraw rubles. That is, ePayments forcibly converts dollars into rubles and sends them to my card. Previously, though, I could send myself currency without converting it into roubles.
Read who ePayments is and who Paysafe is, which includes both Skrill and Neteller.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
Just two weeks ago with ePayments you could withdraw dollars to a Russian bank card

You are at least two months wrong

Vasiliy Sokolov:
Example to my post.
Is it an example of what? What does Central Bank of Russia have to do with ePayments procedures? PayPal has been practicing the same thing for ages.
Alexander Puzanov:

You are at least two months wrong

This is an example of what? What does the Central Bank of Russia have to do with ePayments procedures? PayPal has been doing the same thing for years, there's no way you can buckle it down to a change in Central Bank policy.
Is it Friday already? If I have a dollar card and dollars in my ePayments account why is the transfer in rubles?
Vasiliy Sokolov:
Has Friday already started for you? If I have a dollar card and dollars in my ePayments account, why is the transfer in roubles?
At least since the beginning of April, ePayments has only offered roubles for withdrawals to the RF card. Was it even there in quid, were you dreaming? If so, recalculate on your head how many days you have in 'a week or two'.

Is it just me?