To the wheel or the cry of the soul ... Withdrawal systems in MQL5 - page 13

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

There is no need to compare ourselves to the United States. It has only been 25 years since the collapse of the union. The US is over 200 years old.

We still have a long way to go.

That is a very original approach. Moscow was formed in 1147 some year, but the USA is not even 500 years old yet.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
That is a very original approach. Moscow was founded in 1147, and the USA is not even 500 years old yet.

What does Moscow have to do with it?

There were wars on USSR territory and then the collapse of the Union, and no wars on US territory.

If we live peacefully, we will develop faster than the USA.

Vladimir Suschenko:

Somehow you've got it all mixed up....
"Electron-vacuum MCs were actively developed in the USA, I read about them in the translated journal Electronics. And they were needed exclusively for space because of high radiation resistance, unlike silicon with its p-n junctions. But in real life nobody needs them for nothing because of low packing density. Not even the military." - and I didn't read about them in a magazine, and I didn't translate them. Maybe, unlike the americans, we "passively" developed them, but our military needed them for sure. Electron-vacuum MCs, unlike semiconductor devices, are capable of working in nuclear war conditions... Does the importance of such a parameter need to be spelled out in more detail?
"Special designs are made mostly for space, less so for the military. But all the military works 98% on 'domestic', as you put it, developments.", there is a little confusion of cause and effect here - not military works on 'domestic' developments, but part of military-space developments goes to 'domestic'.
"As for unique processors - there's Elbrus, even PCs based on it are sold to order. But the cost is hell because of the tiny number of copies." - Unfortunate example, the processor is domestically developed but not unique... The need to comply with inter-architectural compatibility precludes true uniqueness. Truly unique processors are not in the public eye.

Am I mixing it up? I gave you concrete examples while you have only water, water and important hints. You seem to know about "genuinely unique proceses not popular". )) Can you be more specific?
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

What does Moscow have to do with it?

There were wars on USSR territory and then the collapse of the Union, and no wars on US territory.

If we live peacefully, we will develop faster than the USA.

Of course we will develop faster. We even have the cheapest Internet in the world, not like the capitalists).
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Did I mix it up? I gave you concrete examples, but you have only water, water and important hints, as if you know about "Truly unique proceses not known by the general public". )) Can you be more specific?
What hints? Black on white I said that no one in mass-media will brag about really important developments. So don't try to put conspiracy theories or subtexts in my words (don't look for a black cat in a dark room...).
And yes, of course, your 'case studies' are all about 'specifics'...
Vladimir Suschenko:
What innuendo? I told you in black and white that no one in the media will brag about really important developments. So don't put conspiracy theories or any other subtext into my words (don't look for a black cat in a dark room...).
And yes, of course, your 'case studies' are all about 'specifics'...
There is such a notion - the information value of the message. You have zero of it. Yes, I have written a lot of specifics today, while you have gurgling in water ) No one is asking you to reveal important secrets, especially since you do not know them )) But at least give some fact, well in the news maybe get in ... I just do not know)
Oh, how the souls have shouted ...
Alexey Volchanskiy:
There is a concept - the informational value of a message. You have zero. Yes, I have written a lot of specifics today, while you have one gurgling in the water ) No one is asking you to reveal important secrets, especially since you do not know them )) But at least cite some facts, maybe get into the news ... I do not know).

Is the heat in St. Petersburg abnormal? You seem aggressive in your communication today... Demanding specifics? Go ahead! As they say in Odessa: "Do you want songs? I've got them!".
If it's"Back in 1989 a guy told me they were developing a processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz for MIG-29!","I remember I had an electronics book... "it's no secret that there was a special institute... " sounds specific to you, then I can share reliable information: two people told me in 2009 and three people in 2013... Does that sound specific? :))

I have comrades from my studies working in the defence industry in electronics, I have comrades from the Research Institute of Microelectronics and Cybernetics, they sometimes share some optimistic information, but this is not a reason for me to go for the "weak" and chase your high estimate of the "informational value" of my messages...

It would seem - what does "MQL5 withdrawal system" have to do with it?))
Dmitriy Skub:
It would seem - what does "withdrawal system in MQL5" have to do with it?))
Mm-hmm. I'm telling you - souls gone wild...