To the wheel or the cry of the soul ... Withdrawal systems in MQL5 - page 11


1. Michael(Michael)Ter-Pogossian(1925-19 June 1996) was an American physicist and inventor of positron emission tomography (PET).Born in France of Armenian ancestry, Ter-Pogossian later emigrated to the United States and became a member of the Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine. His discoveries were of importance for the development of medical diagnostics.

2. Stepan Stepanyan- invented the concrete mixer.

3. Raymond Vahan Damadian- invented the magnetic resonance imaging machine

4. Luther George Simijian- invented the ATM machine, and holds over 200 patents for various inventions, including photography.

5. Peter Vosbikian- invented the self-cleaning mop (without hands).

6. Boris Artashevich Babayan(born 1933) - Soviet and Russian scientist, teacher, developer of computer technology, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984, since 1991 - the Russian Academy of Sciences). He is an author of works on architectural principles of computer complexes construction, computer software. Winner of the State (1974) and Lenin (1987) prizes. The first European scientist awarded with Intel Fellow title.

7.Dr. Albert Kapikian- invented a vaccine against rotavirus infection.

8.Ed Ikenderian- invented hydraulic shaft for racing car

9. Varazdat Ghazanjian- founder of plastic surgery.

10. Alexander (Alex) Manukyan- inventor of waffle cones for ice-cream.

11. Ardashes Haykanyan- invented the first plastic containers, a machine for the production of Coca Cola plastic bottles, wipers for car windows, etc.

12. Arthur Sarafian- invented the automatic gearbox for cars.

13.Roger Edward Collingwood Altunyan- invented an inhaler and sodium cromolyn, used to treat asthma, allergies, nasal sprays, eye drops.

14.Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan- designed the MIG aircraft.

15. Artur Bulbulian- invented A-14 oxygen masks, which were used by American Air Force during World War II.

16. Girair Tezel- invented the hair follicle, a method of hair implantation.

17. Reuben Exerjian- invented anti-aircraft guns that were used by the US military during World War II.

18. Hovhannes Adamyan- Founder of the principles of black-and-white and colour television, the first video player.

19. Gabriel Kazanjian- 1911 officially documented invention of hair drying device.

20. Christopher Ter-Serobian- invented the green colour of US paper notes that cannot be counterfeited. He was awarded$6,000 for it.

21. Alec Manoukian- inventor of the water tap.

22. Artashes Haykanyan- invented the flexible tube.

23. Emik Avagian- born disabled, he invented a wheelchair that he controlled with his hands. In 1961 he was awarded the John F. Kennedy Award by the President of the United States for his invaluable contribution to solving problems of universal importance.

24. Petros Shatakhtsyaninvented the Universal Robot Trader.

To close the argument about national inventors, I added them all at once. We can go back to the problem of conclusions with MKL.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

And don't confuse us with others.

Please do not engage in propaganda about the superiority of one race over others. Armenians are just as talented as Russians, Americans, Africans, Chinese or any other ethnic group. If you think otherwise, you belong in the nationalist forums.

Z.S. The radio was invented by Nikola Tesla.


And don't write such things here.

This is a technical forum.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

... Our electronics are in deep shit, dating back to USSR times...

That's a debatable statement about USSR times, more applicable to the concept of "domestic" electronics. I did my pre-graduation internship at the Microelectronics Research Institute in 1984.
But it is also no secret that students from universities in St Petersburg and Moscow return with gold medals every year from the International Programming Olympiad.
Petros Shatakhtsyan:
But it is also no secret that students from St. Petersburg and Moscow universities return with gold medals every year from the International Programming Olympiad.
Yes, it's no secret, everyone knows.... :)
But not a single inventor or gold medalist in programming, could persuade MK to add more ways to withdraw funds.
Ghenadie Tumco:
Yes, it's no secret, everyone knows.... :)
But no inventor or holder of a gold medal for programming, could not persuade MK to add more ways to withdrawal.

But withdrawal to the WMZ wallet, no one does faster than MK. This withdrawal works perfectly.

What is missing is withdrawal to a bank card.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

But the withdrawal to WMZ wallet, no one does it faster than MK. This withdrawal works perfectly.

What is missing is withdrawal to a bank card.

In the list of inventors, you are 24th, but you could not "invent" an understanding of the fact that people live in different countries, everyone has his own problems, priorities and interests and that it is not impossible to "invent" a universal withdrawal system which will be acceptable to all, MK have not invented it either. For this reason, and it is necessary to add a large choice both for withdrawal and for replenishment. Since you have invented the Universal Robot, maybe you can invent a circuit or algorithm for the MC.
Vasiliy Sokolov:


Z.I. The radio was invented by Nikola Tesla.

According to my information, Popov invented radio, although if you believe the wikipedia, radio was invented by several scientists at different times independently of each other.


You all have deviated from the original topic set by the topic starter.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

And whose fault is it that you are ill-informed. It's not me who says so, it's Komsomolskaya Pravda and world history.

Google it and you'll find out that the all-famous MiG was built by the Mikoyan Design Bureau. You'll also find out that when you get money from an ATM machine, and the green colour USD who invented it.

Luther George Simijian- invented the ATM and holds over 200 patents for various inventions, including photography.

The creator of the green USD colour is also Armenian: in 1854, a young talented chemist,Christopher Ter-Serobyan, was brought to America from Istanbul.

He created a colour that could not be faked. Ter-Serobian receives $6,000 for his work, which allows him to continue his studies.

And don't confuse us with others.

Gaft's lines come to mind

- There are far fewer Armenians on earth

- Than there are movies played by Dzhigarkhanyan.
