To the wheel or the cry of the soul ... Withdrawal systems in MQL5 - page 4

Ivan Vagin:
I like Yandex at all at those brokers that I worked input-out 0 %
Card account is linked to the wallet - you can go straight to the shop - cash out 3% but I don't use it

Card maintenance 100r for three years.
From the broker to Yandex it is faster. And with the card you buy at the shops.
Also a good option
Ivan Vagin:
Also a good option
Yandex seems to have now introduced a link for posting anywhere and you can link to it from anywhere... haven't used it myself yet - don't know how it works...
Vasiliy Sokolov:
Yes, but you can change cash dollars anywhere at the best exchange rate. And that's no more than 1%. It's still better than paying a 3.5% fee. Let's say an average $500 withdrawal costs $2.5 instead of $17.5 per transaction.
Oh, I see, 2.5 regardless of the amount. Then yes, of course it's a bargain.
Renat Fatkhullin:

Unfortunately, you don't know what you are talking about.

Who needs to take all the financial risks, go through several financial regulations and generally become a semi-bank.

The Internet is full of all kinds of online shops and sites with the possibility of paying for various services, and by different methods, including VISA.

Why cannot a company with many years of experience work with VISA, small shops work, Chinese flea markets work for deposit and withdrawal, a company that develops financial software for financial markets cannot.

Absurd, MARKET with scarce deposit and withdrawal systems, and barbaric commissions...

Vladimir Pastushak:

The Internet is full of various kinds of online shops and sites with the possibility of paying for various services, by various means, including VISA.

Why cannot a company with many years of experience work with VISA, small shops work, Chinese flea markets work for deposit and withdrawal, a company developing financial software for financial markets cannot.

Absurd, MARKET with scarce deposit and withdrawal systems, and barbaric commissions ...

I've already pointed out that you don't understand this area at all.

Instead of trying to operate with farfetched comparative methods and direct substitution of meanings, try to work on the subject yourself. This question is not for the level of banal erudition and not for making weak claims.

Vladimir Pastushak:

The Internet is full of various kinds of online shops and sites with the possibility of paying for various services, by various means, including VISA.

Why cannot a company with many years of experience work with VISA, small shops work, Chinese flea markets work for deposit and withdrawal, a company developing financial software for financial markets cannot.

Absurd, MARKET with scarce deposit and withdrawal systems, and barbaric commissions...

I will add, I, a private person, can now organize the reception and sending payments to VISA, MC cards. Well, for sure I, as a private person, will get a higher commission than the MC. But that is not the point. The point is that desire creates opportunities and reluctance creates obstacles.

Off-topic, but illustrative. I live in a small suburban area, lots of small shops. And I constantly pounded on all the saleswomen and owners - yes, you do acquiring at last, tired of running to the ATM. And so the theme got through, maybe I had my share of participation. Now many shops accept cards.

One more thing. I read the notes of a traveler who was on an Indian reservation. At the border of the reservation there was a sort of small market, on the usual wooden crates old Indian men were sitting and selling all sorts of souvenirs of their own making. And everyone had a portable POS terminal!!!

So, Vladimir, don't be sad. If the Indians have started working with cards, the MCs will get their act together. Just wait for about 10 years, like with hedging in MQL5))


Alexei, you don't see the gap between "accepting credit cards" and "transferring funds to credit cards worldwide" either?

We have been accepting cards for a long time, including Chinese unionpay. But to send money to any card around the world you need a completely different, a couple orders of magnitude more sophisticated and responsible service with an amazing level of financial regulation.

Check out the payment acceptance section.

Card payment systems should not be confused with the provision of cards, there is a very big difference.
Of course, it's not difficult to set up card payments, anyone can do it for their online shop, but it's quite another thing to provide your own cards, which requires a turnover ..... You need a turnover to cover all the costs.
It's another thing to connect many systems, as even brokers do, but apparently the MCs have given someone an exclusive, what can you do.... They are in business too. We will roll money from webmoney through brokers.... Although, everyone would have a better choice, even with higher interest.
Renat Fatkhullin:

Alexei, you don't see the gap between "accepting credit cards" and "transferring funds to credit cards worldwide" either?

We have been accepting cards for a long time, including Chinese unionpay. But to send money to any card around the world you need a completely different, a couple orders of magnitude more sophisticated and responsible service with an amazing level of financial regulation.

Take a look at the section on accepting payments.

Renat, of course I am not a financial worker and cannot assess the complexity of the task. But I, unlike some forum participants, try to approach issues in a measured way, without childish fever.

There are a lot of exchangers on the Internet now for withdrawal to the card from different payment systems. For example, I have an exchanger in St. Petersburg on Sennaya Square, a small office for 2 people, 25 meters in total area. I used to go there to exchange webmoney for cash. About 3-4 years ago they made a site with a withdrawal to the card and I often used them at the time. That is, even then a small firm was able to solve these problems.

I cannot be an expert in all areas, including finance, so I always use comparison.

Just yesterday I signed up for a service that was recommended to me, through which I can receive and send payments to cards, a single wallet.