Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 129


As far as I know, Sergei has a ready algorithm, apart from me. The other potential participants have algorithms of varying degrees of readiness.

We will have to wait.


Andrey Dik:

You know, you may not like what I have to say - but you are a great theorist.

It's not for nothing that you quoted me from the Bible. I see your point. Like, I'm trampling on your sacred things... You may be right from that point of view...

Everyone in the scientific community is constantly trampling on each other's shrines in an attempt to stamp out illusions and delusions. You wouldn't tell scientists that they are pigs.

All these shrines: Evolutionary, genetic algorithm, capable of solving any optimization problems, mutations, crossing, genes and binary chromosomes, have been flouted by my simple solution to the text problem. But not because of my desire to insult what is sacred for you, but because practice demanded it.

Efficiency is the main criterion of algorithm evaluation. Any practitioner would agree with that.

I didn't cheat. I used what was given. Remember school? In their notebooks, they used to write "given" to the problem and then a list of what was given. You gave the condition, I gave you the solution. The result surpassed yours many times over.

After the fact, you can say anything you like - "My algorithm is better, it's universal, and your algorithm is fitted...", but it won't change the essence. The task with the text is most effectively solved by my method (and the Event method). The fact that your algorithm is inferior must lead you to believe that your algorithm can be made even better.

If you are a master, you must be the best at everything. Any task must be solved by the most effective method, and the result must be perfect. The task with the text shows that you don't have it. It means that your algorithm is far from being universal. Perhaps it solves some tasks better and some worse. If so, it must be adapted to something.

You should not demand from others what you do not possess.

Now explain me the following thing: Why do you refuse to accept the challenge to compete with me from an equal starting position? Suppose we both know FF, so what? We will start training and both of us will solve the same problem. The winner of the best solution will be the winner. How can you be unhappy with that?

Andrey Dik:

Popcorn is expendable. You can buy more.

There will be a championship.

And, by the way, it's already essentially underway. The elimination process has been going on for a long time.
Реter Konow:

You know, you may not like what I have to say, but you are a great theorist.

It's not for nothing that you quoted me from the Bible. I see your point. Like, I'm trampling on your sacred things... You may be right from that point of view...

Everyone in the scientific community is constantly trampling on each other's shrines in an attempt to eliminate illusions and delusions. You wouldn't tell scientists that they are pigs.

All these shrines: Evolutionary, genetic algorithm, capable of solving any optimization problems, mutations, crossing, genes and binary chromosomes, have been flouted by my simple solution to the text problem. But not because of my desire to insult what is sacred for you, but because practice demanded it.

Efficiency is the main criterion of algorithm evaluation. Any practitioner would agree with that.

I didn't cheat. I used what was given. Remember school? In their notebooks, they used to write "given" and then a list of what was given. You gave the condition, I gave you the solution. The result surpassed yours many times over.

After the fact, you can say anything you like - "My algorithm is better, it is universal, and your algorithm is fitted...", but it won't change the essence. The problem with the text is most effectively solved by my method (and the Event method). The fact that your algorithm is inferior must lead you to believe that your algorithm can be made even better.

If you are a master, you must be the best at everything. Any task must be solved by the most effective method, and the result must be perfect. The task with the text shows that you don't have it. It means that your algorithm is far from being universal. Perhaps it solves some tasks better and some worse. If so, it must be adapted to something.

You should not demand from others what you do not possess.

Now explain me the following thing: Why do you refuse to accept the challenge to compete with me from an equal starting position? Suppose we both know FF, so what? We will start training and both of us will solve the same problem. The winner of the best solution will be the winner. How can you be unhappy with that?

You continue to argue your case - your right. I am not persecuting anyone, if you have an algorithm, you may participate, if not, please do not interfere or come back later when the algorithm will be. But the proof of the illegitimate decision by you in this championship, I gave above.

The phrase from the Bible should not be taken literally, it is not intended as an insult. Do your best to search the internet for the meaning of the phrase and in what situations it applies.

I do not want to repeat the same thing over and over again - this is a championship for optimization algorithms that can be applied to any task, including tasks with unknown functions. If you are ready for such a championship - you are welcome - I always say so to everyone.

What you are doing, there is another thread for that, where just the algorithmic methods of solving known problems are considered. Or try to develop your ideas in your branch, but here they are contrary to the objectives of this championship.

Andrey Dik:

Understand the following:

1. You have many years of experience. You have been solving optimization problems for a long time. You have a ready algorithm. Therefore you have a huge initial advantage.

2. I have never seen any FF in my eyes, except the one in the text problem. I can't build an algorithm without having such an important insight. Otherwise, I will have to prepare for months, collecting some information from the Internet, but I will not know whether it is relevant to our topic or from another area altogether. Why waste time searching the internet for something I don't understand? The competition becomes meaningless.

3. I will never take someone else's algorithms. This is the principle. I will make my own, and from scratch.


In general, I have already said that I have no time to chase you endlessly so that you will finally decide to compete with me.

I will compete with you if you put out all the codes you have declared to provide.

Have a nice day.

Реter Konow:

Understand the following:

1. You have many years of experience. You have been solving optimization problems for a long time. You have a ready algorithm. Therefore, you have a huge initial advantage.

2. I've never seen any FF in my eyes, other than the one in the text problem. I can't build an algorithm without having such an important insight. Otherwise, I will have to prepare for months, collecting some information from the internet, but I will not know whether it is relevant to our topic or from another area altogether. Why waste time searching the internet for something I don't understand? The competition becomes meaningless.

3. I will never take someone else's algorithms. This is the principle. I will make my own, and from scratch.

Start by reading the literature, the links are in my profile. It will be easier for you than for me (and faster) - I wrote my algorithm from scratch.

But you don't want to read, and in vain - the books describe in detail the principles of algorithm construction, which are suitable for this championship.

Andrey Dik:

Start by reading the literature, the links are in my profile. It will be easier for you than for me (and faster) - I wrote my algorithm from scratch.

But you don't want to read, and in vain, the books describe in detail the principles of building algorithms that are suitable for this championship.

Not only do I always have my own algorithm, but I also have my own approach.

Now I will prove that you yourself are running from the competition:

Let the referee provide the task and determine the criteria for judging the algorithm himself. Decide whether to show us the FF or not. If you agree, let's go to him and start?

Реter Konow:

In general, I have already said that I have no time to endlessly chase you so that you finally decided to compete with me.

I will compete with you if you put out all the codes you have declared to provide.

Good bye.

There is no need to compete with me. By and large, we are competing with our laziness, the pitfalls of the mind. Conquer your laziness and read the literature - write your algorithm, get rid of the trap of requiring knowledge of FF.... Not useful here - useful to you in your other needs. You have no idea what opportunities are in front of you. If you did, you wouldn't be saying those words.

Life is long (relatively)... It's up to you as well, it's up to you, in this respect nothing depends on me anymore.

Реter Konow:

Not only do I always have my own algorithm, but also my own approach.

I will now prove that you are running from the competition yourself:

Let the referee provide the task and determine the criteria for judging the algorithm himself. Decide whether to show us the FF or not. If you agree, let's go to him and get started?

Apply anywhere you like. But this championship will be run as I said earlier. Under these rules, you can compete with me and with other competitors and without me.

Other championships may be different, arrange your own, and do as you see fit. We have a free country.