Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 127

I have skype'd you.
If any important questions arise before the topicstarter is released from the ban, I will contact him directly. Thank you.
Реter Konow:
If any important questions arise before the topicstarter is released from the ban, I'll contact him directly. Thank you.

I can only imagine how the writer will come out of the bathhouse. Get in touch with him as soon as possible. I'm eager to know how this will turn out.

Yuri Evseenkov:
Yeah, me neither. I wrote the code on a primitive level. It is enough for my tasks. You have to work hard to improve it and translate it into A. Is there any point? You don't know if there will be a championship or not.

No doubt you're helping too.

I have great doubts as to whether we will be able to come to a full understanding, an objective evaluation of the algorithms of the competitors and conduct the championship in a dignified manner.

I think if the Olympics were held without an international jury and the competition was judged by the athletes themselves, nothing would have come of it.

Ideally, we need a third party, who sets the rules, judges competently and objectively, and is not involved in the championship.

But where to get such an expert?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I can only imagine how the writer will come out of the bathhouse. Get in touch with him as soon as possible. I'm really curious how this is going to end.

My guess is there are two ways this could end:

1. General strife, squabbling, insults, arguments, and eventually - all in a sauna.

2. Compromise, mutual understanding, proper conduct of the championship and summing up the results.

Реter Konow:

No doubt you are helping too.

I have great doubts as to whether we will be able to come to a full understanding, an objective evaluation of the algorithms of the competitors and conduct the championship in a dignified manner.

I think if the Olympics were held without an international jury, and the competition was judged by athletes themselves, nothing would have come out of it.

Ideally, you need a third party, who sets the rules, judges competently and objectively, and is not involved in the championships.

But where to get such an expert?

Gather an initiative group, apply to the MC, I think they will allocate a judge. The prize fund is not necessary.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

It's funny. Already Frankenstein, of whatever series, is tired of dying all the time.

Already, the head starter has gone to the bathhouse for at least a month.

No, they found an intermediary and continued to work things out through an intermediary.

Awesome. This is cooler than a circus.

The championship game is going on even without the host. I'm stocking up on popcorn - getting ready to cheer for someone.)))

popcorn and coke

Alexandr Saprykin:

The theme of the championship is unfolding even without the topicstarter. I'm stocking up on popcorn - getting ready to cheer for someone))).

Why without the topicstarter? He's in a ban, but he reads the thread and writes his comments through his representative/intermediary "Combinator".

All sorts of things have happened on the forum. But for a banned person to write his comments on the forum through an intermediary -- that hasn't happened yet.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Why without the topicstarter? He's in a ban, but he reads the thread and writes his comments through his representative/intermediary "Combinator".

All sorts of things have happened on the forum. But a banned person writing his comments on the forum through an intermediary has never happened.

Everything has to happen sometime. Everything in life has to be tried)
Alexandr Saprykin:
Everything has to happen at some point. Everything in life has to be tried)

What's interesting is that in the past the topicstarter was quick to be rude and insulting to those who disagreed with him.

What if he now passes on the rudeness and insults through the Combinator? Would the Combinator then get banned or would Dick get an increased ban?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

What's interesting is that in the past the topicstarter was quick to be rude and insulting to those who disagreed with him.

What if he now passes on the rudeness and insults through the Combinator? Will the Combinator then be banned or will Dick get an increased ban?

Probably both of them will go to jail... or the Combinator won't pass on the rudeness.