Algorithm Optimisation Championship. - page 70

Реter Konow:
Great. Everything is clear and understandable. Doing the algorithm.

It's about time.

Tag Konow:
What was the problem with putting this out for the championship?!!!!

Yeah... There's definitely a beauty in the sclerosis - all the emotions are always like the first time. :)

So it was planned that MQ would generate the code and insert it into the source, and then compile it. No one was going to hide the FF framework itself.

You explain and explain, but it's no use.....

Andrey Dik:

You explain, you explain, but it's no use.....

"He who thinks clearly, states clearly" [A. Schopenhauer].

Your incomprehensible thoughts not clearly stated -- have not been understood or accepted by the community -- as you have been repeatedly written about.

Andrey Dik:

It's about time.

Yeah... There's definitely a beauty in the sclerosis - all the emotions are always like the first time. :)

So it was planned that MQ would generate the code and insert it into the source, and then compile it. No one was going to hide the FF framework itself.

You explain and explain, but it's no use.....

Well, you're obviously the smartest one here. All right, well...

Let's compete and not provoke each other.


For the date of the competition, I suggest 11 July.

The date on which the championship was scheduled.

This would mean that it will take place.

Реter Konow:

For the date of the competition, I suggest 11 July.

The date on which the championship was scheduled.

This would mean that it will take place.

Реter Konow:

About the date of the competition - I propose 11 July.

The date, on which the championship was appointed.

This will mean that it will take place.

What kind of competition can we talk about if you are unwilling to abide by the rules? If you don't believe a word I say, nor do you remember them.

The stage was announced to form a FF championship from the functions of the participants, but so far no one has proposed any.

I gave an example of a FF with text, practice. Post results, discuss, later I will show more, not less interesting optimization problems.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Andrey Dik:
I don't understand why you're gloating, namesake...

Because I find this kind of behaviour ugly, to say the least.

Throwing challenges, making loud statements, spinning a few threads, bragging about the prize money .... and then just say, "Adieu, championship!" - that's not a decent thing to do.

And now, by the way, the same thing is going on.

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

Because I find this kind of behaviour ugly, to say the least.

Throwing challenges, making loud statements, spinning a few threads, bragging about the prize money .... and then just say, "Adieu, championship!" - that's not a decent thing to do.

And now, by the way, the same thing is going on.

Why then don't you say everything, but only half of it?

Moderators looked through their fingers at the manifestations of blatant sabotage of some comrades, and events such as contests and championships require order. But I never got any support from those who could provide it.

I am tired of fighting slander, accusations and provocations. Tired of explaining the same thing 10 times over. First asked to explain something, then a few pages later the same persons start accusing me of poor explanation, that I allegedly take advantage (although everything is explained 100 times).

Constant attempts to remake the rules of the championship for themselves - what do you call it?

Dmitry and Vasily helped me a little, but they disappeared and I was left without support. I sent out invitations to my friends on this forum, some of whom I've known for a long time and who enjoy well-deserved respect. - They could at least be with me shoulder to shoulder, to help - they did not come.

Announced the stage of joint FF formation by the participants for the championship - 0 emotions from the participants.

MQ representatives never showed up, although they promised support.

I'm not accusing anyone, I'm only citing the facts that led to what we have now. I'm not withdrawing from further participation and support of the championship, but only if the participants realize - it's necessary to "play" by the rules, whatever they were and if there is at least some support at least from the moderators.

Without support, the championship as it has been conceived will not work. All the more so, when you are getting backstabbing and backstabbing even from people you've known for a long time.

Andrey Dik:

Why don't you say everything, then, but only half?

1. The moderators have looked the other way at the blatant sabotage of some comrades, and events such as contests and championships require order. But I never got any support from those who could provide it.

2. I am tired of fighting slander, accusations and provocations. Tired of explaining the same thing 10 times over. First asked to explain what something, then after a few pages, these same persons begin to accuse me of poor explanation, that I allegedly take advantage (although everything is explained 100 times).

3. Constant attempts to remake the rules of the championship for themselves and potential participants - what do you call it?

4. Dmitry and Vasily helped me a little, but they disappeared and I was left without support. I have sent invitations to my friends on this forum, people I've known for a long time and who enjoy well-deserved respect. - They could at least be shoulder to shoulder with me and help - they didn't come.

5. Announced the stage of the joint formation of FF participants for the championship - 0 emotions from the participants.

6. MQ representatives never showed up, although promised support.

7. I'm not accusing anyone, I'm only citing the facts that led to what we have now. I do not withdraw from further participation and support of the championship, but only if the participants realize - it is necessary to "play" by the rules, whatever they were and if there is at least some support at least from the moderators.

8. Without support, the championship as it has been conceived will not work. Especially when there is a lot of backstabbing and backstabbing even from people you've known for a long time.

You were talking about sclerosis, Andrei... Let's remember how it was.

1. This branch has been rebooted. Remember - at one point it was impossible to communicate here. The thread was "choking". There was a lot of flooding. The moderators erased all the pages and we started again. We began to communicate freely on the topic without any interruptions. The discussion was "protected" by them. Up until now, our discussion had been on topic only.

2. Are you tired of fighting slander, accusations and provocations? Give me quotes from this thread where slander, accusations and provocations were made on the part of the participants. And the fact that you were asked to explain a lot - was inevitable - as you started the championship with the participation of people not familiar with the subject.

3. When you made the codes, set the rules and solved the technical questions, you were the one who set the rules. You were the organizer and the participant. So you could set the rules to your liking, and no one could prevent this, because you could be excluded from the championship. I tried to put important issues to a vote, so that other proposals were properly considered by all participants.

4. Why didn't you mention me as one of your assistants? - The person who defended your championship in the most desperate way? During all the threads and up to the present moment I have been trying to make the championship take place, even if without the prize, even if with a minimum number of participants and even in spite of you (because you have already said goodbye to it).

5. We have not yet come to the stage of joint FF formation. We were discussing the connection method proposed by Vasili. Remember your post (I can quote): ".Due to the commencement of unrest among the participants we are passing to the forming stage of the FF".. I had a feeling that in order to stop discussing Vasiliy's connection method, you abruptly jumped to another stage. By the way, without asking anyone.

6. Why did MQ representatives have to come if we have not sorted things out amongst ourselves? There was no agreement between us and there was no need for them to come. They gave you support by announcing a prize fund of 3000 dollars. That's some support, huh...?

7. Well, about you not blaming anyone, it's just the opposite. The only person you're not bl aming is you. We don't need any support from moderators other than protecting us from flooding. And that's what they provide for us.

8. Excessive emotions and paranoid fantasies caused by fatigue and stress. Get some rest and things will seem different.