programmers from St. Petersburg? - page 7


I can tell you about one brokerage company how it all started, how there was a meeting of the three founders according to hearsay or from their story to someone, two rented a Mercedes, apparently there was no car, the third came in a tracksuit, since he came, so he came on foot, now the company has millions in turnover, everything worked out.

As for the real business, have you heard about payment after acceptance? You send the goods and wait for the money, what happens if they do not pay. when you lose money on the exchange, you lose yourself, and when someone steals money from you, you lose twice, so let's not discuss risks....

The stock exchange is one line of business, all brokerage companies do real business in parallel (they just do not talk about it) - trade, real estate, cars, spare parts, manufacturing, mining (raw materials (this includes oil, gold, iron ore, aluminum)

A broker grows out of a real business or a real business creates a broker as an extension of the business.... This is profitable.

There are several such groups of companies in Russia....



so let's not discuss the risks....

Why not? Are you going to make money on the FOREX? On the FOREX, 1 lot is worth 100,000 of base currency. It is not sold in parts. Only the whole lot.

So where are you going to make money?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Why is that? Are you going to make money on the FOREX? On the FOREX, 1 lot is worth 100,000 of base currency. It is not sold in parts. Only the whole lot.

So where are you going to make money?

Leverage, don't check me, I've been in forex for many years.


Leverage, don't get me started, I've been in forex for years.

Leverage is 1:4 minimum. So where are you going to make money?

You're not in forex, you've been in the kitchen for years. Don't be fooled.

Neither are we.

Many years in forex and not composing a rudimentary advisor that brings in bobble is more than strange for a top-5 specialist... You can make a decent owl out of Kim's alone, or take them in addition to any owl... just put 3 - 4 or 5-6 owls together according to your idea even without being a prgrammer and everything works out... look at the price chart - it gives you 100 ideas... the truth comes with experience...

I am not a programmer. everything that is posted on the internet works 50/50 (i.e. it will occasionally make a loss).

The only thing that saves such systems is the stop loss function and loss limitation.

VTB puts trades on the interbank, look at the leverage, it does not matter if it is a kitchen or not, they will pay you a profit, let's call it a credit line at the expense of the bank


VTB puts deals on the interbank, look at the leverage, who cares if it's a kitchen or not, they will pay you a profit, let's call it a line of credit with the bank's funds

It's nice to live with rose-coloured glasses.

If you have an idea and a desire to implement it, it is better to look for like-minded people rather than debate with your opponents. There is not enough life to argue with everyone. Focus on the goal.
The level of culture prevents you from not debating your opponents, but you are right. We should ignore the messages. There will be more use than an empty discussion to a dead end!

Anyone interested in joining in St Petersburg, with your own ideas, able to write code, write

Who wants to participate remotely too write, we will consider remote work later.

For today interests dialogue at 1 table.