programmers from St. Petersburg? - page 4


Don't turn this thread into a buy-and-sell for the American dollar.

I decided to take the advice of a wise man "money loves silence, big money loves big silence".

Money likes so much silence, Bolivar can't hold two!


When Apple was founded, did anyone ask for money from the development partners or did the development partners ask for money from each other?

We are essentially talking about an association of interests, not for the sake of money. When this is done, we will solve the problem of how to make the codes produce income for project participants.

I am from St. Petersburg, but I have conducted such experiments more than once and have become convinced that it will not lead to anything good. As soon as you start to get something profitable, strife starts right away. As the saying goes, never open a company with friends - you lose both the company and your friends.)

There are a lot of examples of this in companies that do not even do something knowledge-intensive, such as standard commerce.

The example of Apple is incorrect, it must have been written in the contract on terms of cooperation. They don't take their word for it. As they say, there is no cheating in business, there is an improperly drafted contract.

And in this case, such a contract would be an empty piece of paper with no legal effect.


There is no other way to create a business, no other way to find partners.

A business is a team (2 or more people).

If you know hermaphrodites, share examples.

So be more positive, so you don't get the negative "we will lose our firm and friends", "we will work for free", "ideas will be stolen".

You will not succeed with that approach.
Listen to the criticism.

There is no other way to create a business, no other way to find partners.

A business is a team (2 or more people).

If you know hermaphrodites, share examples.

Therefore more positive, that not to receive negative "and firm and friends we shall lose", "we shall work for free", "ideas will steal".

Do not listen to anyone! Go for it! And only forward!

You are the first one who invented it! And only you are the generator of profitable ideas!

Go for it, only you nerds learn from other people's mistakes. Go ahead and do not one step back, because you are immortal, and you know what others do not know.

All these programmers, traders with 10 years of experience are just "Nobody" and do not understand anything.

Only you are a genius and you are the only one who will succeed.

Let him try his hand at a business that is already in operation, if he can do anything! Otherwise, he wants to start from scratch and immediately gets into the role of founder-boss, in general, in the bosses, because he has one single idea, to make a business, and programmers will be for him as workhorses, and he will be "the organizer of all the victories"! Clever, but as old as the world!

There is no other way to create a business, no other way to find partners.

A business is a team (2 or more people).

If you know hermaphrodites, share examples.

Therefore, be more positive, so that you do not get the negative "we will lose our company and friends", "we will work for free", "ideas will be stolen".

What makes you think that Forex is a business? ))) This is a pure search for patterns and speculation.

Here's an example of business from personal experience. I run an agency for renting flats with about 50 employees, there's really nothing to do there on your own and there's no know-how, you just need to have a base and to hire people who are reliable and enterprising. It's purely a case of what you described.

In forex I work with my own ideas and somehow I do not lack them.

Have you ever worked as a project manager with a team of programmers? I have. Even when there is a ready ToR, it is extremely difficult to coordinate this team, everyone has his own vision and ways.

If you are from St. Petersburg, get in touch with me on Skype, it's in my profile, maybe we will somehow help each other.

I didn't want to pour out a bucket of negativity, I wanted to tell about future difficulties of this kind of projects based on my own experience. That there were no rose-coloured glasses )


The "bucket of negativity" situation you described is reminiscent of the cult film about business in "Banditsky Peterburg".

I believe the filmmakers showed the subject from the inside and ridiculed such Palychs and Naumov bankers

Николай Наумов - Злоурядный Банкир
Николай Наумов - Злоурядный Банкир
  • 2014.01.16
Клип про Наумова Николая Иваныча (КОля-Ваня) из Бандитского Петербурга, наподобие того, которого делал Паша Мамонтов, но он был про Антибиотика. Оценивайте, ...

The "bucket of negativity" situation you described is reminiscent of the cult film about business in "Banditsky Peterburg".

I believe the filmmakers showed the subject from the inside and ridiculed such Palychs and bankers Nikolaus Naumovs

You can watch the film again on youtube at

No, I'm not that kind of guy, although I used to talk to all kinds of people and had a roof over my head then. I can't say anything bad about people. I don't watch soap operas, they are full of lies and negativity.)

I watch movies like Interstate 60, Destiny Turns on the Radio.

Tell us more, in private correspondence