programmers from St. Petersburg?


I would like a live dialogue (no internet) with private developers in the city of St Petersburg, to meet in person and discuss all issues.

The work will go on until a profitable programme is made.

I have been doing research for many years for myself personally, but have not been able to work with the people involved to make a reliable programme that can be trusted to manage capital with minimal risk. code of conduct - free-form....


the work will go on until we make a profitable programme.

dig this pole and till lunchtime )

I would like a live dialogue (without internet) with private developers in the city of Saint Petersburg, to meet in person and discuss all questions.

looking for partners for creation of the program of auto-trading (paid orders will not be - the general purpose is the program, which together we will make (NOT everything is sold and bought for money!, partners work on general result, the same conditions, there is no concrete ToR, terms are not present).

The work will continue until a profitable program is made.

I have done research for many years for myself personally, but I have not been able to make a reliable program that can be trusted to manage capital with minimal risk, together with those people involved in the work.

Oh, man. I don't envy that programmer.
And it's not about the money. It's about working without a job description until you get something done.

It's like *pasha the programmer, pasha. I'm just throwing out some more ideas here. And you, Pasha. Maybe you'll get something.


I would like a live dialogue (without internet) with private developers in the city of St. Petersburg, to meet in person and discuss all questions.

looking for partners for creation of the program of auto-trading (paid orders will not be - the general purpose is the program, which together we will make (NOT everything is sold and bought for money!, partners work on general result, the same conditions, there is no concrete ToR, terms are not present).

The work will continue until a profitable program is made.

I have been doing research for many years for myself personally, but I have not been able to make a reliable programme that can be trusted to manage capital with minimal risk.

Is the result over these many years positive? Are you making a profit today? If not, then there is nothing to write, and if there is, then there is something to pay. Isn't it?

Or another theory: while the programmer is writing this common program he or she earns nothing, at the same time you gain something from the market. Is this fair?

If you are united in a team then the rules must be developed taking into account the interests of all participants. Almost like in communism "From each according to his ability, to all equally".


For >7 years of forex programming there have been so many ideas already.... So many free jobs..... that essentially did nothing for the developer, because you have to understand that a programmer is a programmer, and it is very difficult to combine programming + work in the market.

When you fulfill an order - the only thing you can do is to put some bot on the UPU account and quietly fulfill the order.

But there are sticks in the wheels. If the account has fallen into drawdown or the Expert Advisor has done something wrong, you begin to forget about the order.

Conclusion: The programmer performs the work, the trader trades.

So, in this situation, it is not profitable for the programmer to carry out someone's order for free. If this order is "like a pitchfork in the water" without proof of a profitable trade.

  1. If you have a system: You can either leave it at the mercy of programmers - lay out the strategy - if it is interesting, they will quickly write a robot based on it. You will get a robot - the programmers of the strategy, with the ability to sell it, for example.
  2. If you do not have a system and you just want to find a programmer who will give you his experience on the strategies?
  3. Or do you want to try all the strategies that you have found somewhere? I can assure you that everything has already been done before you, by the same programmers :-) After all, each programmer has a folder on his hard drive under the "Strategy Slag" type, which collects hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of robots on the Internet strategies.
  4. They (programmers) just write such strategies in silence, and if the strategy is rubbish, they put it into that folder. But if the strategy is worthwhile, they develop it further.


It's not just about coding for free, it's also about making up your own coding

When Apple was founded, did anyone ask for money from the development partners or did the development partners ask for money from each other?

We are essentially talking about an association of interests, not for the sake of money. When this is done, we will then decide how to make the code we write profitable for the project's participants.


This thread is not about offering paid jobs, that's what the freelance section is for.

When Apple was founded, did its founder Steve Jobs ask his developer friends for money, or did his developer friends ask him for money?

he was looking for sponsors, only his friends worked for free,

and afterwards he berated all his friends, like, "what did you do? you did what anyone could have done

would you do the same? )


It is essentially a group for the sake of interest, not for money.

what kind of interest, what interesting things can you suggest?

any indicator strategy?

or a non-syndicated strategy?

or a news strategy?

or maybe an arbitrage strategy?

what new strategy can you suggest?


this thread is not about offering paid orders, that is what the freelance section is for

Many of us have also researched the market for many years, but unlike you, in our research we use automated algorithms of varying complexity of 1-5 lines of code and up to 100 000 lines of code.

leonidplus : You are simply unable to surprise or attract any experienced programmers, you simply have nothing to offer. I agree withVladislav Andruschenko I also have a folder "Junk" several gigs in size.

And in addition, the programmer has made more effort than the average trader, the programmer has mastered an "overpowering programming language" and is working on his ideas. You are not strong enough to cope with an "overpowering programming language". So how can you surprise a programmer ....

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

he looked for sponsors, only his friends worked for free,

and then he's all over his friends, like what you did, you did what anyone could have done.

will you do the same? )


Not just his friends, .....

Of course his tactics were strange - but winning, I've rewatched movies based on his life a hundred times. Very interesting, and I like his slogan - I don't want to create what others can. - So it's like that.

I watched a movie about Bill Gates the other day and I was horrified. It turns out MS-DOS wasn't invented by Gates, it was invented by the programmer he bought the development from.

and in the end, nobody even knows the programmer, but BILL GATES is in the clear.